Page 239 of Filthy Lies

That he sent that message to me so easily staggered me. My father considered women to be a weight around his neck, and that he’d been cursed with three daughters had been his biggest complaint. More than taxes or his tithes to Moscow—we were the worst thing that had ever happened to him.

Maxim:But you are young and I must wait until you see me in the same light.

Me:Why would you wait? You don’t need me to cement ties in the Bratva anymore.

Maxim:You know about The Forgotten Boys?

Me:I do.

Maxim:Are you sure you want to know the answer to your question?

Me:Of course.

Maxim:It is complicated.

Maxim:But I will explain it as well as I can. Your sisters have the O’Donnelly brothers. Through them, you have protection until you are of age, but afterward, you are a pawn in a game you cannot win.

That we’d used similar words to describe my situation made nausea swirl in my gut.

Maxim:I have been a pawn, Victoria. Now, I can be your rook.

Me:Not my king?

Maxim:That is a title one has to earn. Maybe with time, you will allow me to be that for you.

Me:Do you believe I’m in danger?




Me:And you’re not in danger from them?

Maxim:Of course. But they would marry you off in an instant to a Pakhan under their control.

Maxim:I am a relative stranger to you, Victoria. Yet you know the truth…

Me:What truth?

Maxim:That I have killed to keep you safe.

His words made my shoulders sag.

Beyond, I could hear the outer door slam and the rabble of voices stirring in the hall, but it was nothing to the chaos in my head.

I wanted to be the woman Savannah was cultivating—independent, strong, self-assured—but that was at odds with an archaic future that involved a marriage of convenience for my protection.

But… it wasn’t a convenience for him, was it?

He could cut ties.

Marry whoever he wanted.

I was young. He had to wait for me to be of age, but he should marry sooner and have a family so he could prepare to cement his power base in the future with children who could forge alliances.

But hewaswaiting.