Star:I appreciate that lol. You’re all heart.
Conor:I know. :P So… if I send you something, will you use it? And let me watch?
Star:I’ll let you listen.
Conor:Thank you.
Star:Can I listen to you too?
Conor:In full surround sound.
Star:I share my place lol. I don’t need Link knowing what I get up to. He’s kinky enough without me giving him ideas.
Conor:That’s fine with me… I don’t want your housemates to know what you sound like. That belongs to me.
Star:I belong to myself.
Conor:Never said you don’t. But if you’re getting off on a toy that I sent you and listening to me talk dirty to you, then that orgasm is mine. I earned it. Agreed?
Star:By that logic, if you’re getting off to listening to me get off then your orgasm is mine too.
Conor:Without a shadow of a doubt. Haven’t you figured it out yet, Star?
Star:I don’t think I have. What’s to figure out, Conor?
Conor:That I’m all in.
Conor:Yeah, oh.
As we crossedover the most southernly tip of Finland, I felt a change in the airplane.
We still hadn’t edged into Baltic territory but we were descending as if we were.
Frowning, I stared at the blanket of clouds below us as if I could figure out what was happening by sight alone before I turned to Temper, who’d been watching me throughout the flight like I was more interesting than the onboard entertainment.
I wasn’t altogether unaccustomed to being watched.
People tended to do that when I was hacking. It was easier to study my face for expressions than to read my code, so I didn’t gripe at her about it.
Not when she was clearly unhinged.
“We’re losing altitude,” I informed her.
She blinked at me. “It’s in hand.”
My mouth tightened. “We were supposed to be going to Moscow.”
“And I told you her location had changed.”
“So we’re being rerouted?”
She dipped her chin. “Why would you go to Moscow when she isn’t there?”