Star:Pfft. I will kick your ass if they uncover your feelers.
Conor:That would bring you to my apartment lol. I think I wouldn’t be too unhappy about that.
Star:Don’t even joke about this.
Conor:I won’t, I won’t. Sorry.
Star:Never mind. **sighs**
Conor:Are the United Brotherhood allies with the Sparrows?
Star:Bear didn’t seem to think so but I’m not sure. I haven’t figured out who his source is yet, who was helping him with some of the IT shit.
Star:If they’re not trustworthy, then all his intel could be BS. Plus, not everything he pinned on his wall of death was correct.
Star:He believed the president was a Sparrow. Their commander-in-chief. We know that was Justin DeLaCroix. The chief justice.
Conor:That’s disappointing that not everything is accurate.
Star:Tell me about it. I almost cried when I saw that. So I have to be careful with what I read. I can’t just accept it as fact.
Conor:Probably for the best. Though it would speed things up if you could.
Conor:I think you need a break.
Conor:Feel like playingHalonow?
Star:Why not? Not getting anything else done. FML.
Conor:We’ll get there, Star. I promise.
Star:Thanks, Con. <3
Forty-eight hours later,after I staggered out of the car, I hovered in place on the sidewalk as it immediately took off.
Denny was back on the door and he called out, “You okay there, Mr. O’Donnelly, sir?”
I squinted at him. “Thanks, Denny. Could you get me a cab?”
His smile was hesitant. “Sure thing, sir.”
I cringed at the title.
“It’s Conor. Remember?” I mumbled. “Sorry about the other night.”
“That’s fine, Mr. Conor. Did you watch the game yesterday?”