No one was above the reproach of my bullet.
I smiled at the thought then sighed when, deep in my ears, Siri started playing a voice note to me.
“Lucinda, I think Star might be in danger.”
Inwardly grumbling at the sound of my irritating cousin’s voice, I replied: “Star’s always in danger. It’s what she does best.”
She answered: “More than usual.”
I huffed under my breath, still pissed at Star for getting me involved with that shitshow back in Russia.
One thing I had to say about Maxim Lyanov was he had a surprising ability to plan a siege.
Sure, that siege had gone badly awry, but he’d orchestrated it with more talent than some of the COs I’d worked with who sported four stars on their shoulders.
It wasn’t his fault that the blueprints for Petrovsky Palace were wrong, not when those blueprints had been fudged to ensure that a siege would never be successful. Whoever owned the palace believed they were above the law, that was for sure.
Still, as mad as I was at her, I couldn’t leave my girl in the lurch if she really was up shit creek without a paddle.
Not willing to mess around with voice messages, I called Temper and greeted, “Star is usually good at getting herself out of trouble.”
“This is different.”
“Muñoz’s sniffing around.”
“That jackass.” I snorted. “He couldn’t shoot himself in the foot, never mind get the run on Star.”Wherever Star was.
I still hadn’t managed to work out if she’d gone deep undercover and that was why she was radio silentorif shehadbeen taken as Lyanov claimed.
‘Taken’ had many connotations for people in our line of work.
A mobster had a more one-track mind—taken, to him, meant being held under duress.
To us, it could mean absorption into the ranks of a faction you were trying to infiltrate.
“I’m telling you this time it’s different,” Temperance repeated, breaking into my thoughts.
“You keep saying that and it’s tedious if you can’t tell me why.”
“Why are you whispering?” She hesitated. “In fact, don’t answer that.”
I smirked at nothing as I watched Senator McClure eat his final meal.
“Where is she?” I grumbled.
“Croatia? What the fuck is she doing there?”
“How am I supposed to know?”
“Don’t you know everything, Temperance?” I asked sweetly, knowing it would grind her gears.
“Are you going to help her or not?”
“I need more to go on than a country. It’s a pretty big place.”