Bent on one knee with my left hand in his grasp.

“M…Malifer.” My voice barely hit the surface, and my shock triggered pools of tears as I watched my Demon King begin to smile and fight his own tears from overflowing down his cheeks. “You…what…” I couldn’t find my words.

“I took the journey to enter the core of the valley not because of Baker’s potential intrusion,” he unexpectedly revealed. “In fact, Baker isn’t in the valley, nor does he have a damn chance to try to get into the valley at this point.”

“What? What do you mean he isn’t here and can’t get a chance to be here?”

“When I knew Baker’s intention was to take the valley and use it as a pawn for the rest of our eternal existence, I decided it was time to stop relying solely on myself to try to protect the people I care about. The ones I wholeheartedly love. Demon Valley Pack held hope in their king, their Alpha, to protect them from the forces that are desperate to use us for their own benefit, even in a land that was meant to be our death beds. Knowing this, I decided to reach out to the one Alpha I knew who carries loads of connection above in places I can’t really easily reach, and together we formulated a plan to ensure Travis Baker and his Maleficent Astra would be forced to be in the same place at the same time.”

“And where would that possibly be?” I pondered as I stared into his eyes, which shimmered with excitement.

“The one place he takes pride in.”

“The…lab?” I inquired, figuring that that was the place he carried the most power in.

“The lab where he’ll be currently facing multiple allied packs, which includes Outcast Hollows Pack,” he revealed and further grinned. “The pack that is being led by your twin sister.”

My eyes widened yet again as I realized he’d somehow managed to set a trap for Baker without him even realizing it.

Without me even realizing it.

“So as we speak, Baker is enjoying the ultimate confrontation surrounded by two of the four empires of Hollow City,” he revealed and smirked as his eyes softened. “And well, we’re a bit late.”

“We…we’re late?” I whispered and clicked on to what he was saying. “We’re going to meet them? Like actually confront Baker and get rid of the labs and everything?”

He bobbed his head slowly and further grinned at the bubbling excitement that began to filter through me at realization that the valley was no longer in danger.

“Wait. That means…Alpha Shade. How did you lure him here? He came here thinking Baker would be here for the crown.”

“He did,” he admitted. “I have to thank Master Gaia for feeding him the information through the communication outlets he secretly uses to obtain information that’s not for him to listen to. He eavesdropped on a planted conversation between Wallas and Gaia that confirmed Baker was close to the valley with an army of demons and that he was going to acquire the crown to take over Demon Valley Pack. My old man would never let such an opportunity slip from his grasp, so he took it upon himself to use the one method of getting into the valley that I knew he’d have access to.”

“The cliff,” I whispered. “Before the voodoo fleet and I arrived. That means those various monsters that slowed us down…”

“Were a distraction from me,” he revealed and very gently kissed the palm of my hand. “My apologies for that. I know it was a bit troublesome.”

“So you’re actually a cunning badass of an Alpha,” I gasped in exaggeration, which left him chuckling as he shook his head. “I’ve been getting some pointers from a certain Demon Queen who enjoys grinding my gears.”

“Wait. So if Baker isn’t coming, and we have to go, why are you on one knee as if you’re going to propose to me?” I dared to ask as I looked at the way he grinned brilliantly back at me.

“My pretty little monster needs to be crowned by the one individual who can bestow the blessings of Demon Valley upon her,” he revealed before he gave me his best smile as his eyes softened tremendously. “With that being said, Lexianne Monarch…my Sweet Lex…will you marry me?”

I stood there like a deer in headlights before squealing and jumping up and down like I’d won the fucking lottery.

“Are you fucking serious?!” I squealed and almost had a mental malfunction before the word he needed to hear tumbled out of my mouth. “YES! O-Of course! Omg. Malifer! Was this your plan all along?!”

He chuckled and didn’t answer me as his focus was on slowly sliding the ring upon my ring finger. The onyx band locked in place before it began to glow drastically as the black metallic surface began to peel away and reveal a golden ring that glimmered immensely.

I gasped in surprise as the magic burst from the ring outward, inviting intense gusts of wind that forced us to move into one another as we stood our ground against the whiplash of wind that danced around us before pushing outward in all directions.

The moment we leaned back to take in what had just happened, our eyes became as wide as saucers while we gasped in pure amazement.

“No…way…” I whispered as the valley of darkness that was filled with desolation was now filled with life.

Greenery, flowers, bright blue skies with fluffy white clouds. I witnessed the brilliant sun that seemed as though it was beginning to set, making our world look no different from above and leaving me to realize that we’d triggered something.

No…we’d broken something that was meant to be broken.

“It worked.”