He used everything he had left to have his last laugh as he anticipated the blade in my grasp that would seal his fate by cutting his head off. With one final stare at the pitiful man in my hold, I let my hand move swiftly as I finished what I’d started.

By slicing right through his neck.


Slay The One That Ruined You Part Three

Iheard the drop of his head hit the moving sand. The sand began to ease as if its job was finally complete. I was already walking away, my eyes on my Sweet Lex as I approached her body once more.

I was waiting for the sensation to sink in, to realize I’d lost my love and killed the man who stole her shining light, but the numb hollowness continued to blaze through me, leaving me to walk aimlessly forward as I waited to have some sort of reaction.

When I was a mere two steps from Lexianne’s body, I couldn’t will myself to walk any further. It was as if this was the moment I needed to just take her stillness in. To mentally allow myself to engrave this sight into my mind so I could remember how I failed the woman I loved.

My father had been right in a way.

I had been a coward who sought to change the world in hopes everything would go my way. I’d thought people would come to my aid and defense and support this new beginning with open arms. I didn’t want to accept that this cruel word needed someone with power, perseverance, and a tainted persona to get what they wanted.

Even if it meant killing another to see the future you desired.

I’d known for a long time that my father would be a hindrance to my vision, but I allowed him to get the better of me, to set me up for failure again and again before sacrificing me to the land he wished to claim as his own.

Every action he made was to use me in some way, and now that he’d used me, abused me, and taken every good thing in my life, it was his turn to leave me with this state of hollowness that would torment me for the rest of my existence.

The slight poke to my neck only further contributed to my internal struggle as a lump formed in my throat and my vision blurred with tears.

I didn’t want to face the familiar right now. I couldn’t look into her spiraling eyes and acknowledge that I’d failed to protect her Mistress who had selflessly protected me from my father’s wrath yet again. I may have executed my vengeance, but all it did was solve a problem.

It wouldn’t bring back my soul mate…

“BiBiBo?!” The urgency in Momo’s doll voice suddenly encouraged me to look over my shoulder — and my eyes locked onto the blazing fury of red spheres that looked so similar to mine.


“BIBIBIBIBI!” Momo’s laughter taunted the chilled air as I caught sight of her jumping up and down on the man’s shoulder while he continued to fight against the black chains that were shackled along his wrists and ankles.

He was mere inches from me as I turned to give him a moment of attention, and it was my turn to allow myself to smile as I looked at him with complete triumph in my eyes.

“Did you actually believe I was going to kill you?” I inquired, mimicking his way of mockery by giving him a taste of his own medicine. “You tortured what was destined to be mine for years, dared to make her into some sort of pet and shackle her up like a fucking dog, and you expected me to simply slice your throat and move one?”

The way I laughed made the man fight desperately to be freed from the chains, but they would be his new accessories in this world.

His new eternal prison.

“I’ve always wanted revenge, don’t get me wrong, but what better way of making the man who belittled me my entire existence suffer than by making him into a demon at my own disposal?”

“I WILL KILL YOU!” he snarled.

“You could have done that earlier before I sliced your throat,” I voiced the obvious as I smirked. “A precious voodoo doll showed me that sometimes you have to let your enemies taste a glimpse of death before keeping them as the perfect puppet to use and abuse for centuries to come. The least I can do is take what I observed and apply it to practice. I’m sure she’d be proud of me.”

“BIBIBO!” Momo cheered with her knife in hand as she continued to jump up and down on my father’s shoulder.

Before she stabbed him in the neck.

He tried to speak but gurgled as blood streamed out of the deep gash in his neck. Momo lifted her blade once more and cheered.