All these emotions did nothing to help me take action —to take vengeance to a new level of execution —but that was no longer going to stop me from destroying those who were living on borrowed time.

My vengeance was long overdue, and without my pretty little monster to talk some sense into me, there was nothing to stop me from tainting my hands with the blood of all those who deserved to perish by my tainted claws.

A snicker caught my attention as I managed to pull my eyes away to meet the culprit of the sound. His body shook as he laid his hand over his mouth to stop the mocking sound, but more snickers followed, again and again, until he was laughing uncontrollably in utter triumph.

“Finally. FINALLY!” he cheered and put his hands in the air as if he was praising some invisible god. “I get to see it. To see the spark in your eyes finally vanish like a flame being extinguished!”

The man literally jumped up and down as he clapped his hands and continued to laugh like he’d truly lost all his fucking marbles.

“If I knew simply killing her would be the thing needed to destroy every thread of emotion left within you, I would have done it ages ago, but maybe then it wouldn’t have such a marvelous impact on your wellbeing,” he voiced in glee. “It’s a shame that I actually killed her for she was a beauty and a weapon I would have benefited from once I laid out the new order of the shifter world. But at the end of the day, sacrifices have to be made, and witnessing the last blub of mercy shatter in your eyes makes all of this worth it!”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing or seeing, but I wouldn’t be foolish enough to deny what was happening before my very eyes. Seeing my own father celebrate my mate’s death. Seeing him dance, jump, clap, and scream hymns of joy because I was finally the emotionless monster his pack wished for me to become.

How utterly insulting.

It was another reminder of what a villain he’d always been — from plotting to rid me of my existence again and again before using my mate to make a new heir to take away my birthright. Despite it all, this was the true icing on the cake.

And now he’s going to feel what it’s like to face the ruthless king everyone believed me to be in the outside world.

He raised his arms up from his sides before he dared to bow as if his actions were something worthy of praise.

“I’ve finally secured the curse upon our family lineage. What was cast upon us for generations will now continue. Again, it’s a shame that we have to sacrifice someone who could have created an overpowered heir, but like they say, there are plenty of fish in the se—”

He couldn’t finish —no, I wouldn’t let him finish —for my fist crashed into his face, cracking his jaw as I sent him flying back and skidding along the black sand beneath us. All that did was send him on a manic carol of laughter before he was up and pressing his hand to his right side to confirm I’d done enough damage to break his jaw.

The acknowledgement was simply fuel to him as he continued to express his merriment at my display of anger. With a crack of his neck, he allowed himself to calm down before he clicked his jaw back into place as if I hadn’t shattered it completely.

“That’s the first punch you’ve delivered that actually feels like the fist of an Alpha and not a weakling boy with morals,” he praised. He looked so fucking proud, it would have made me sick to my stomach if that emotional side of me still existed in this state. “Why couldn’t you have been like this from the beginning? Hmm? You would have saved me so much hassle. I won’t deny that torturing your woman was a form of pleasure for me, but she could have lived a better life if you’d been a man with balls from the get-go. I wouldn’t have needed to torture her every night, or beat her until she could barely keep her eyes open. In fact, I wouldn’t have gotten the pleasure of forcing her mouth on my coc—”

My demon took over completely unexpectedly. My wings that were once red were now pitch-black and oozing with so much power, I didn’t think I was capable of carrying such intense force within.

I collided into him head-on, and the two of us rolled in the sand while my fists moved in a blur. His laughter only continued as he defended against my assault the best he could. Some blows hit him dead-on in the face while other blows were blocked by his bare fists.

“Finally a worthy fight,” he declared with pride. “Show me if what your mate was saying about you was true. That you’re worth her sacrifice and years of torture!”

It’s time for my revenge.


Slay The One That Ruined You Part Two

He managed to push me off him before he got on his feet and charged right at me.

My demon pulled back as my wings retracted into my back, but my wolf pushed to the surface — triggering my shift into my massive shadow wolf.

He couldn’t support my weight as we crashed into the ground once more, and I wildly thrashed against him, tearing through anything I could as my mangled growls overpowered his laughter.

I could feel the strike of his counterattacks that cut my furry flesh, but it was nothing compared to the pain that pulsed within my heart.

Nothing like the years of torture my sweet queen had endured on my behalf.

She deserved to witness this. To see this man’s end by my very hands. If it was my way, she’d join me in ownership of this man’s demise, and together, we’d walk through the rest of our lives with his blood on our hands.

She’d get to experience the ultimate revenge and be crowned the queen of the valley she swore to protect.

But that was stolen from her…thanks to this man right here.

By the time we pushed off one another and created some distance, we were both riddled with various wounds and scratches. Compared to him, I was in better shape. I shook off the remaining rags of clothes that were barely hanging on from the brutal assault I’d just endured, which left me in just my black boxers.