Pleasure swallowed me whole while the promise from my Demon King lulled me into unconsciousness.


Walking Into A Pool Of Nightmares


The gentle touch to my cheeks encouraged me to attempt to open my eyes. The heaviness was only a reflection of just how exhausted the rest of my body was.

It felt like I was hanging — my arms outstretched while the weight of my legs was suspended by something that was wrapped around my thighs.

After a few attempts, I was finally able to open my eyes, especially when I began to recall what had been happening before I fell unconscious.

Wait. I was fighting the creatures…then Alpha Shade was present and taunting me. Then Malifer showed up. Demon Malifer.

Just the reminder made my cheeks immediately flush while my body, despite its tiredness, pulsed with the lingering waves of pleasure Demon Malifer had delivered so effortlessly.

“You always find me…and now it’s about time we found you.”

His words echoed in my mind, and the power of commitment in them encouraged me to keep pushing forward. What I’d just endured was mentally debilitating, but I was still breathing and wasn’t forced to be in Alpha Shade’s possession.

I have to be careful. That may have been one of Baker’s traps to get me to join their side. With or without my permission.


I blinked a few times before realizing Colton was literally in front of me, looking so damn worried.

After blinking a few more times, my vision cleared and I noticed the ground itself where I’d enjoyed my wild battle was completely gone.


White and blue strings kept Colton and I suspended in the air. The thick ropes with hints of magical essence were around my wrists, biceps, waist, thighs, and ankles.

Colton was balancing himself on a single rope of string, his body crouched down so he could look up at me in wait for my awakening.

After I’d gone all psycho in my killing spree, I had to have passed out in the midst of the craziness. That must have triggered the depletion of the protective wall I’d put around him and Lauren, which was why he was here.

Surprisingly keeping me alive.

“Colton,” I whispered. “Why did you come back?”

“Well, it’s rather funny really.” He smiled comfortingly before a puppet appeared in his hand and kissed my cheek.

“You see, a certain Queen of the Valley decided to pull off a miracle and defeat hundreds of mega-overpowered monsters all by her lonesome while her best friends were blindfolded and protected by a lovely wall that ensured they didn’t die by accident. I have no clue what occurred for I only got to witness the aftermath, but the loud cracking of the ground encouraged my dear Colton over here to be a man, take off that blindfold, and realize you were seconds from plummeting to the ground of despair,” the puppet explained and tilted to one side. “He panicked like a child about to lose his mother and—”

“I did not,” Colton interrupted and glared at the puppet, which opened its mouth to laugh maniacally.

“And raced to save you with his lovely string magic. See? Everyone thought we were useless back in the pack when we were alive and now look? Our strings saved the most important being in Alpha’s world. We deserve a medal of honor!”

“We don’t have that here,” Colton muttered but smiled back at me. “I couldn’t possibly let you die, Lexiboo, which is why I had to tie you up a bit.”

“I appreciate it,” I praised, though I wondered where Lauren was. “What happened to Lauren?”

“Over here,” she called out. “I’m going to help pull you guys over here! Hang tight.”

“That’s the plan,” Colton called back before his puppet was gone and he was back to staring at me.

“What?” I asked, feeling as though he wanted to say something but was internally debating about it.