Without delay, I summoned a wall of shadows to rise just before them, boxing them in so none of the starving creatures could attempt to jump at them. Without sight, they wouldn’t be able to determine if they were about to be attacked, so the safety precaution would ensure they’d remain safe until I was done here.

It took only three seconds for all the creatures' attention to fall upon me, but none of them dared try to jump at me — even as the last strings of Colton’s spell snapped away and left them free to all jump at me.

“So you creatures of mindless fury can sense doom, hmm?” I quietly purred as I cracked my neck and tried to stabilize my breathing. I hadn’t tapped into this side of myself for a few months, so I needed to calm down my nerves and other emotions, or else I could lose control far too quickly.

The barrier I’d created around Colton and Lauren would be soundproof specifically to the English and magic languages. They would at least hear these beings' screams of agony, which would ease their worries just a little that I wasn’t going to die — let alone lose.

They would sense my aura, which was something I didn’t really like them knowing about, but I wasn’t tapping into all my magic. I’d give off the impression I used my highest skill so they assumed that was the strongest I could be. At least until I was comfortable enough to share the true reflection of how much power someone as cunning as I carried.

Being Alpha Shade’s favorite meant I had to play the part of an overpowered bitch.

The sight of all these creatures reminded me of the cunning bastard of an Alpha. This was his specialty — locking us in a glass box and enjoying the wash of fear that would seep through our faces as sinful creatures emerged from the ground in hopes of devouring our bodies and souls.

The adrenaline of survival was what kept me alive, and even after hours of fighting, my ability to fend off all my enemies was only rewarded by more pain as I was beaten until I could barely remain conscious.

The reminder made the temperature drop dramatically, and my eyes began to twitch as if the existence of these forbidden creatures had pushed me past my limit. They began to mutter oddly in their groaning and screeching language, and I caught onto the odd scent of fear. The aroma reminded me of something rotten mixed with the fresh chilled breeze of winter.

They couldn’t deny the switch they all sensed as I began to roll my shoulders and neck before rotating my neck at a rather slow pace. I certainly couldn’t be sore before reaching my patient king. He needed me to be ready in case we had to fight Baker head-on, which was why it was best to tap into this side of myself to get rid of this fleet of useless fiends.

“I don’t know who your master is, but my gut tells me you’re not among the creations of my valley,” I voiced as I felt the burning in my eyes, which I knew would be glowing red. My lips began to tingle and I could confidently say they were now cloaked in black.

My hair of pink was shifting dramatically to white, and my skin was burning hot as various incantations and scars bled to the surface in impatience. My aura spiked dramatically, to the point these monsters who were desperate to dispose of me were now running in the opposite direction, but they simply crashed into the invisible walls I’d created, which had me giggling in delight as a black leather rod was now in my grasp.

“How amusing the shifter hierarchy is,” I purred seductively as I finally tipped into that state of insanity I’d created to protect myself. My vision went from the various colors to pitch black. It took only a second for all their essences to be clear as day — and the sight of red only further triggered me as my nostrils flared.

My lips trembled as my free hand twitched uncontrollably, sparks of black igniting along my very fingertips while my laughter became manic in nature. I was already craving the pain that would come afterward. My reward of agony after taking all these useless beings of darkness for daring to waste my valuable time and energy.

There was an empty semicircle around me as the monsters now climbed upon one another as if they could make towers that would give them the chance to escape. It was such a pretty sight that it left me feeling extra gleeful, to the point that I couldn’t help but applaud their attempt to escape my wrath.

“Why are you running?” I asked with such a high-pitched voice, I probably sounded like a child who was questioning where all her friends had gone. “If you wanted to play hide and seek, you could have just asked.”

I laughed and clapped my hands some more before I sighed dramatically while my burning red eyes had surely dilated with my sudden focus on the first group of monsters parallel to me.

“None of you are communicating with me. I don’t like that.” My voice was now emotionless as I took the chance to bite my bottom lip so hard, it began to bleed instantly.

Without delay, I raised the leather rod to kiss the top end with my bloody lips. The metallic taste mixed with leather only made me laugh long and hard as I swung the leather rod from left to right, which ignited a black whip that glowed with intensity.

Black sparks danced around the illuminated whip, and it took me a second to remind myself that this spell had been done correctly because my blood was now as black as these demons’ shells versus before, when my blood was a vibrant red that made me more manic.

“This works out lovely. How powerful is a black whip of demon blood? Who knows. Who knows. Will that please my Master? I wonder. I wonder.” My thought process was as erratic as my words, but it didn’t matter because my attention was now on my prey before me — the first set of targets that would enjoy the raw charge of my crucifying whip.

“Feel the wrath of a pretty little monster,” I purred in bliss before I moved my hand in a blurred movement that sent a charged force of wind, electricity, and death to my targets in one go. With a single blink, their screams echoed through the hollow oasis while I enjoyed the sight of their red bodies bursting into tiny little particles.

The sight made me grin from ear to ear, showing my glimmering white teeth while my eyes further widened so I could take in all the fine details of the red orbs that were growing tinnier and tinnier as that section of desolate life was eliminated by my wrath.

“Red. Red. RED!” I scream and giggled — my mind not processing which one came first before I licked my lips slowly as if I could taste the very blood I’d spilled upon these tainted grounds. “I SEE NOTHING BUT RED!”

My next movements were a mix of spins, swift flicks of my arms, and jumps in place as I continued to enjoy the massacre of death that left my ears ringing and my body craving for more. I wanted to witness more droplets of red rain down, to hear the high-pitched screams that were eerie and only encouraged me to move faster so I could enjoy the way the sound amplified in my boxed space.

The creatures had dared to try to hurt me and those I considered precious, and here they were. Cowards trying to run away from their executioner.

“You can run. You can hide. You can do everything in your power to flee from me,” I encouraged breathlessly as I aimed for the last tower of red that still formed a thick block of unity that needed to be destroyed and turned into droplets. “But a pretty little monster can disappoint her master, which means you all must disappear until there’s nothing but darkness that remains.”

I sent my final whipping strike, tripling the amount of power that burst out of me like I’d been pooling it within myself for the grand finale. The end result led to an explosion of red. The rain shower of red orbs left me immensely pleased with my performance.

My inhales and exhales were erratic, my shoulders lifting up and down to aid me in getting air into my lungs. Sweat dripped down my face while my body shook with buzzing remnants of energy. I’d forgotten how dangerous this level of high was – to acknowledge what a weapon of destruction you carry in the palm of your hands while enjoying the brutal results of your merciless execution.

This high of confidence was what swarmed through my mind and begged me to keep going. To rid the world of life and enjoy the darkness that submerged me when the last bits of red fizzled out of existence.