“If it’s an ocean creature, that means down below is water,” I suggested. “Why did it go up to crawl into that opening?”

“It must be its nest,” Lauren suggested. “Which is why I used Goldilocks as a bit of a distractor for us. Once a baby Dazolace is distracted, it can take hours if not days before it comes out of its nest. They’re harmless when occupied and their surroundings return to normal when they’re in a happy or intrigued state.”

The mention of that made me realize that the space was looking more like an open cave — the shadows retracting and revealing the rough, rocky surface of stone.

“Since Goldilocks can respawn, it’ll give the creature some form of entertainment while we further venture inside. Without its haunting dark energy, whatever other beings of darkness that thrive on the Dazolace’s presence will retreat into their safe havens until we depart.”

“Maybe that’s why it was a good idea to bring Laura here,” I voiced, and Colton nodded.

“And if Baker is stupid enough to try to use her presence to teleport into Demon Valley, he’ll come face-to-face with that Dazolace.”

“Your immense excitement proves you’re begging Mother Moon herself to let that happen,” Lauren voiced as she monitored the man in question, who chuckled.

“Baker is on everyone’s shit list so if we can get rid of him, I’d be pleased,” he emphasized.

“That’s true,” I whispered and looked at both of them. “Lily said you can follow me until we reach some sort of sacred place that should be similar to the sacred lagoon. After that, I’m on my own.”

“Fine by us,” Colton spoke for himself and Lauren as he gave a firm bob of his head. “As long as we’re able to lead you towards the final spot to reaching Malifer.”


"Events like this that hold the key to change are frightening to do alone,” Lauren emphasized as her eyes met mine. “Doing it with another makes the journey worthwhile with individuals you know have your back. After all the sacrifices you’ve made, it’s best you feel what it’s like to be supported by others who see the vision you seek to unravel.”


"It feels weird to be supported,” I confessed. “I’m used to doing things alone.”

“Aren’t we all,” Lauren admitted with a small smile as she closed her eyes. “If I knew enduring challenges with others could be more enlightening, I would have strayed away from being a lone wolf a long while ago.”

“Same,” Colton admitted with a sad grin. “But then again, maybe we wouldn’t have appreciated it the way we do now.”

He had a point.

"Thank you both for taking the risk to come and assist me down this path,” I expressed my gratitude. “Malifer…has impacted our lives in various ways, and I wish that he sees that versus basing his existence and purpose around the ideology that being king is his sole duty in this world.”

“If anyone can convenience him of his worth, it’s you, Lexianne,” Colton assured me.

“I’ve served many men in my centuries of existence,” Lauren quietly admitted. “Yet, out of all of them, Malifer is the first to carry such a selfless heart.”

Her eyes lowered to my bell, the reminder only making me press my hand upon my stomach while I remembered what he’d sacrificed that was the reason why we were embarking on this adventure, to begin with.

“He doesn’t regret it?” I dared to ask as my eyes peered afar and I pondered the mere possibility.

Does he regret giving up his title for me to be able to conceive?


I returned my gaze to Lauren as she stared at me with a serious expression.

“He’d sacrifice the world just to witness you be the mother of your children,” she emphasized, which made me struggle not to shed tears. “He made that bargain without a hint of doubt in his being. Whether you knew or didn’t, that man made that decision the moment he knew what you sacrificed for the sake of your survival and the love you both share.”

Oh, Malifer…

"I love him dearly,” I confessed as a single tear ran down my cheek. Blinking the rest away, I smiled and took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. “He needs to be reminded that he’s loved and cherished by many. He’s also deserving of revenge. He deserves to see the demise of the man who brought all this misery and struggles into his existence. Both as an Alpha and the King of Demon Valley.”

Colton’s hand reached out to hold mine just as Lauren’s hand reached out to press onto my shoulder.

No words needed to be said. I knew and felt their intentions to aid me in any way they could, but they wanted to ensure I knew I was also supported.