A part of me wished to be in a state of disbelief. That was the normal circumstance, was it not? But then again, as much as the world deemed me a stupid fool, I was done trying to act like my brother was a saint.

Our suffering, Kyle's death, my struggle through the years, and my battles with all the fucked-up shit I dealt with were all thanks to him.

He ruined me when I was but an innocent little girl in a big, dark world, and now he was going to be one of my murderers. He didn't need to place a hand on me to contribute to the approaching deed, but what hurt more was that I couldn't do anything to stop all of this.

Why am I so pathetic? Even with death knocking on my door?

Wasn't this the moment I had to suddenly become a badass bitch and find a way out? That was what happened in the books I'd come to enjoy. They reflected beings I wished to become.

Strong women. Ones who didn't take bullshit from the men around them who manipulated their situations to benefit themselves in the best way while leaving them victims of "wrong place, wrong time".

Those stories always held a heroine who embodied perseverance, beauty, power at their fingertips, and they knew exactly what to do to dominate the man's world they lived in. I wished for that, begged to be a woman who lifted her head up high and would fuck anyone over sideways if they fought to steal my shine.

But that wasn't me.

No matter how many times I stepped forward to walk down that path I admired so much, something would happen. A situation as simple as a slap to my ass against my will or the worst-case scenario where I have no choice but to remain still as my boyfriend enjoyed this body of mine to please his own needs instead of my own made me freeze up.

No matter the tattoos I got to hide the scars that never really faded away or the massive butterfly tattoo on my chest I used to hide the wound scars of an attack I endured the same night as Kyle's kidnapping, I couldn't run away from being weak.

And it was going to be the end of me.

I could barely move now, my mind on a rollercoaster that just wouldn't stop. My groan was weak, my body suddenly heavy, and I succumbed to exhaustion that was very opposite from the adrenaline I needed to figure out my way out of this trap.

"Enough, Travis!" Hendrick hissed. "You're going to fucking kill her."

The piercing pain retracted, but the dizziness still fought at my senses like a plague I had no control over. My body immediately slumped to the side, my seatbelt the only thing saving me from just collapsing onto the floor of the back seat.

"Not my fault she’s so fucking delicious. Jeez. I should have bitten her ages ago. Would have been nice when I fucked her."

"You two fuck?"

"Well, she lets me do what I want, Hendrick," Travis announced. "Can't be my girlfriend if we're not fucking. She learned that the hard way."

"You forced yourself on my sister?" he snarled, and the way Travis laughed would haunt me to the grave. It was like he'd gotten some sort of confidence boost after doing whatever he'd done to me over the years.

"You're literally helping me sell off your sister to get you out of that shithole you fell into with Kolt's pack, and yet you're pissed I raped your sister? You sure have some fucked-up priorities." He laughed and then quietly added, "Funny how you did the exact same. Don't act like she lost her innocence to me."

"Shut the fuck up, Travis."

"You're a fucking coward, bro," Travis mocked. "At least between us, I know what a piece of shit I am and proudly accept it. You're just one of the many cocksuckers who try to act like a saint on the outside, but you're just as tainted as the rest of those selfish pricks."

"I'll run this fucking thing off a cliff if you keep that lip up."

That didn't even stop Travis from losing himself in laughter.

"Go ahead. Who are you fucking over? You and I will survive, but your sis is just human and she'll fucking die."

"She..." He didn't continue, which made Travis chuckle quietly.

"Out of your whole damn family, only you took the wolf gene, while your sister and younger bro were useless humans. See the sad irony you brought to the Monarchs? Younger brother killed because of your foolish actions and now your sister is about to face the same fate. No wonder your father said you were a mista-"

"Enough!" Hendrick snapped. I was thankful for my seatbelt because he skidded the car to a dramatic stop that left Travis cursing.

"Fucker! You want me to fly out of the front windshield?"

"I'm not doing this with you," he hissed.

"We've come too far for you to get to this point in the kidnapping stage, idiot," Travis scoffed. "You fucked up one of the mafia’s biggest deals, and if you don't bring a woman for him to have his way with and dissect, you might as well go on the run like the criminal they're dying to label you as."