She was gone after that, which left me a bit of quiet time as my wolf decided to take this time to catch up on some snooze.

Closing my eyes once more, I allowed myself to relax, the only sound the ticking grandfather clock in the corner of the room.

The gentle touch to my cheek wasn’t enough to pull me out of the lull of calm. The feeling that followed left my body feeling like it was floating on a swaying loud.

It was the warmth of something soft that made me stir and snuggle closer to whatever held me so comfortably that made me open my tired eyes to realize I no longer was in the office.

Instead, I was in the arms of my Demon King.

"Didn’t I say it’s bad to sleep in the chair?” he greeted, knowing I was slightly awake.

“Hmph. Go away.”

He chuckled and simply held me closer against him as the knitted blanket Colton had made me a year ago brought us both comfort as it was draped upon us.

“I know you’re not still mad.”

“I am.”

“I didn’t know you wanted that specific tub of ice cream.”

“You did. Deep within your soul, you knew I liked that flavor, and you ate it! What kind of husband eats his wife’s favorite ice cream of all time?! A demonic villain husband, that’s what!”

“So this is where your villain story is going to begin, huh?” he offered in glee as he pressed a kiss to my forehead. “My husband stole the last tub of Rocky Road ice cream. I knew from that moment onward, the world would feel the wrath of my loss.”

“That’s exactly how it would go down!” I huffed, and though I was upset with him, my head felt far too heavy to keep up so I rested it against his chest. “I’ll get my revenge. Just you wait.”

“I bought you some,” he quietly voiced.

There was a moment of silence before I muttered, “How much is some?”

“Apparently a lifetime supply since I bought the company.”

"Oh…” I answered. Five seconds passed. “What?!” I gasped and managed to open my eyes just so I could look at him in disbelief. “You bought the company?”

“Mhmm,” he replied with a smirk. “They’ll deliver us the flavor you want at any time of day.”

I was already drooling as I stared at him in disbelief. “So…if I want some now?”

“Just say the word, Sweet Lex,” he encouraged. “It’ll be here in less than five minutes.”

“With extra nuts and chocolate syrup?”

“With all the goodness,” he assured me and whispered, “And with the tiny spoons you like.”

I squealed. “Okay. I forgive you.”

“Wow,” he replied and shook his head. “Killian and Wren told me I’d probably die at least fifteen times before you’d forgive me.”

"They don’t believe you have a soft spot in my heart,” I gleefully declared. “I want ice cream!”

“Already on its way,” he assured me. “Guess we should get a mini freezer in this room.”

“Maybe,” I commented and snuggled against him. “I’m sleepy.”

“You can nap.”

“I want ice cream though.”