He lifted his arms around as if he could simply levitate into the sky to emphasize the power he had in comparison to me.

“I have my pack, and have the power to make any of them submit to my rulership. I can snap my fingers and have armies of packs reach the very borders of this beloved valley of yours and leave it in shambles and flames. I can make all those sacrificed fiends into puppets that would be forced to respawn and enjoy my reign. And as the murderer of your mate, I will always carry that trophy of triumph in stealing that last speck of hope you had in this world,” he pointed out with not a hint of remorse. “If you look at it, you’ve already lost, but getting rid of you and crowning myself as the true King of Demon Valley would seal another accomplishment on my list, and I’ll be that much closer to changing our world into one that runs purely on the order of power.”

He looked to the sky and grinned so widely, it made him look utterly cynical.

“And with that, I’d be ranked a god, and the world of shifters would have no choice but to bow and pray to me for all eternity.”

He lowered his gaze and began to roll his shoulders. Staticky shockwaves of black and red began to pulse through his body, which seemed to speed his healing process.

“So your end is inevitable, for in order for this world to be reborn, a stronger shifter worthy of becoming a god deserves to rise and claim what has always been destined for them,” he concluded like his words were absolute. “That shifter is me, and not even my least favorite son will stop me from achieving such.”

“At least you’re being truthful for once,” I muttered and slowly cracked my neck. “I guess it means you’re deserving enough to know that I’ll be the one to kill you in these very lands. No matter if I’m king or not, I vow that you’ll never proclaim these lands as yours. Never.”

“It’s a shame to say it’s already too late for that,” he vowed. Suddenly, he wasn’t standing before me.

No, he was suddenly behind me.

I spun and avoided his initial attack, but I didn’t expect him to shift into the gigantic wolf that was big enough to take me down with one solid tackle. I used my bare hands to protect myself as he did everything he could to try to rip my head off my body.

It got to the point where I had to force some distance between us. My strong arms matched with my overpowering strength in these parts that surrounded us with dark energy gave me the chance to throw his gigantic wolf off me entirely.

With a roll to the left and a quick push off the ground to make a smooth transition from plank to standing, I was already mid-shift as I collided with him with immense force.

Now we could fight fairly — Alpha wolf to Alpha wolf.

Our claws and teeth sank into each other and ripped at each other mercilessly. I allowed myself to fall into the flight-or-fight response that activated my animalistic instincts. He might have had strength on his side, but I had speed and the power of the valley in my favor as our environment shifted as we tumbled and turned – making the moving sand rise and fall like wild waves at sea.

It made it impossible for him to regain his balance, which allowed me to collide with him again and again. My speed continued to rise, my movements a blur of shadows with strikes of red and black bolts of lightning.

His cries of pain only motivated me further, pushing me to continue tackling and ripping this man to shreds again and again. I wanted him to feel a glimpse of agony he delivered to so many. To endure what it was like to have piece by piece of your flesh be ripped, torn, scratched, and plagued with the burning agony he delivered to so many victims that he discarded as nothing but slaves to his mercy.

This was my moment to let all that boiling rage and anger come through with each strike – to finally acquire the vengeance I deserved to proclaim.

After a final crash into his bleeding frame, he crashed into the ground but didn’t bother getting up.

I didn’t hesitate to shift yet again — my body now on top of his wolf as I created a red leather whip and began to brutally whip him again and again. His yelps were loud and filled with suffering as the poisonous weapon continued to strike his broken flesh and send bouts of venom into his blood system.

His cries weren’t enough. My demon was growing angrier at what he’d done to our queen, leaving me to submit to his desire to take control, which triggered our demonic wings to spread out from our back and lift us into the air so we could whip him with striking force from above.

His yelps turned to whimpers, and I caught onto the sound of his bones beginning to crack back in place. His wolf was losing the battle for dominance. When his human form returned, I didn’t stop my abuse. My whips kept coming, igniting another round of cries from his very lips as he struggled to remain on his hands and knees.

I didn’t know how long I went for, but by the time I was finished and my demon’s energy retracted to give me ultimate control, I was absolutely breathless while my body buzzed with excess energy.

Dropping to the ground, I let go of the whip in my grasp. The weapon began to fade away into tiny orbs of black and red. The pool of blood beneath my old man continued to ooze out of his body freely, but the sight of it all didn’t give me the satisfaction I’d always been looking for.

Despite the torture and the sight of this man finally on his hands and knees before me, the hollowness within my soul was unchanged.

The pain of losing my woman was still raw and unforgiving.

Before I knew it, I was tugging at his shoulder-length strands, which forced his head back while I sat on his back – a dark blade against his neck while my narrowed eyes took in his battered face. Despite it all, he fought to smile the best he could — even as his eyes continued to swell from my punches and his mouth oozed with blood.

“How does it feel to be a villain now?” he questioned in glee. “You realize it, huh? That no matter what you do, from beating me to the brink of death to preparing to slice my fucking throat, the massive hole in your heart will never be filled again.”

He tried to chuckle but all that did was make him cough and wheeze thanks to the few broken ribs he endured and my weight on his diaphragm.

“That was your end game?” I whispered. “To make me your villain?”

“No,” he wheezed and tried to meet my gaze by leaning his head back as far as he could. “I wanted to see you lose everything until you were nothing but the monster you wished to never become,” he said with pride. “Now…I’ve finally succeeded.”