My body collided with theirs head-on, just as a wave of water toppled upon us, which left us completely drenched. I rolled off the individual before they could strike me with a kick before I managed a tucked roll that helped me press my hands into the black sand and flip my entire body so I could land on my feet.

I spun around and conjured a blade of darkness in time to stop the venomous whip that wrapped around my tainted blade. The leather texture of the whip sizzled as the temperature of my blade continued to rise, but that was all but a distraction while my eyes were locked upon the pair of spheres that haunted me in my nightmares.

“You know, your obsession is becoming rather toxic if you ask me,” I voiced slowly as my voice didn’t show a hint of fear. “If you keep this up, they may have to throw you into a shifter psych ward for having a strong addiction to stalking your eldest son and his villainous mate.”

Those scornful eyes of red couldn’t possibly project any more hatred toward me because they were at their peak intensity, which was what was making my legs tremble in hopes that I’d submit like I’d always done in the past.

By force, obviously.

I had to remind myself that I was no longer chained like a dog begging to be heard and saved from the calamity one’s owner brought to their world of captivity.

I’d earned my freedom with the help of Malifer and Nathan, and I was sure that was another tick on this man’s list of why he absolutely despised his son, who was destined to break the curse upon the Shade family.

The curse Alpha Shade doesn’t wish to go crumbling down.

“How dare you try to defy me?” he snarled.

It was a shame his words still held power over me to some extent. The trembling in my limbs became more obvious while my goosebumps ran up my bare arms.

Despite our current confrontation, I could see the way he looked at me, how those spheres of disgust trailed down me slowly as I continued to hold off his whip that was begging to hit my flesh and leave plentiful marks of domination over me.

Those black rings around his dilated pupils and the slight flare of his nostrils confirmed how desperate he was to take in my scent —to attempt to catch a whiff of arousal that would empower that sick sense of pride he carried within his overconfident ego.

His anger could be the persona he wished the world to witness, but I knew what he really wanted.

What he’d always craved to steal from his son who was destined to be mine — and mine alone.

"I believe it’s my right to do so after you ordered for me to be discarded,” I tossed back to play the game. I needed to know if this was an illusion or the real deal, and if it was real, how much did this man know?

“I didn’t order for you to be discarded off the cliff,” he growled. “That fucker of a son decided to get rid of you and reject you. The man you’ve gone over and beyond for years, all for what? To be discarded like the utter piece of trash you are.”

I could see the smug smile begin to take over his dry lips as he began to tug on his whip, which caught me off guard.

I widened my stance to force myself to remain still. The temperature of the blade began to spike rapidly in hopes of burning right through the leather weapon of brutality.

“What a shame,” I voiced and attempted to shrug before I spun my body once to force the blade to cut through the leather, which sent the man in question back onto his ass.

Without delay, I pushed my hands forward, sending waves of shadows at him, which sent him not only back, but off the ground entirely. I clapped my hands together and dropped to the floor, then pressed my palms into the black sand while power surged into my eyes to the point that they burned to the point of shedding tears.

I didn’t think as my survival instincts empowered my next moves. Spinning pillars of sand and spouts of water burst out of the ground right where Alpha Shade’s body was hovering.

The spinning forces not only surrounded him, but two hit him head-on, which made him gasp in agony as he was forced to further soar upward. I moved my hands swiftly, sending the tornados of black sand mixed with the spouts of water towards our prime target. Each one hit, sending him higher and higher as he cried out in pain.

I did that until I was completely out of breath and I could barely see the man in question. But I knew it wouldn’t be that easy to finish him off.

The drop back to the ground would probably be child’s play to the old Alpha, who sadly had a high survival rate.

Despite the glaring disadvantages, I wasn’t going to give up hope just yet. This was my moment to release that pent-up anger and magic that I’d begged to strike him with all those years when I’d screamed with all my might for a savior to take me from the cycle of endless suffering.

I may not stand a chance, especially with how weak I felt matched with the mere idea of fighting him in such a sacred land, but I couldn’t help but at least try to fight and potentially defeat my torturer.

Trying was better than submitting to this devil.

With that boost of motivation, I caught onto the descending man. My eyes narrowed to ensure I truly had a mental target on his body as he continued to descend downward.

With a rise of my arms, I envisioned another spout piercing the surface of the black sand and hitting our target directly. The action unfolded before my eyes before the collided particles began to shift in shape.

They expanded swiftly, the move unpredictable as strings began to expand and wrapped around this man as if he’d suddenly fallen into the middle of a tornado. The new objective was to keep him caught in the makeshift web, at least long enough for me to create some sort of prison that would keep him still long enough for me to locate Malifer and find the crown.