I wonder what he’d say if I told him no. If I told him I intend to tell the entire faculty about our little liaison. But I’m not that girl. I’ve never been one to go broadcasting my love affairs across campus.
“Can I rely on yours?” I ask.
“Of course.” He turns away and starts to stroll towards the door at the back of the lecture hall. At the door he pauses, his hand on the handle. “It was a good question. One not many have picked up.”
I stare open-mouthed at his back as he slips through the door.
My skin is hot. I feel unusually flustered. I’m no man-eater. Well, maybe a little. Most of the time I find men incredibly easy to manipulate, to wrap around my little finger. Especially in this department where most men find women intimidating.
It seems the alpha is a different story altogether.
I’m not sure if that makes me more determined to pursue him or not.
As soon asthe lecture hall door slams closed behind me, I lean against the wall and take a deep inhale. My blood thrums, my heart beats, sweat trickles down my neck.
What was that?
I’m a fucking alpha. I take what I want. I don’t even need to ask because it’s offered up. Has been for as long as I can remember.
If I want a woman, she’s mine.
But this girl. This beta. Thisstudent.
I can’t let this happen again.
I can’t have her, even if every instinct in my body told me she wanted me back.
Fuck, I didn’t need any instinct; it was written all over her face, in the way she leaned towards me, in the flirtatious tone of her words.
I puff out the air in my lungs. What is it with fate? Giving with one hand, taking with the other.
I’m made. I’m a fucking professor at one of the most prestigious universities in the country, probably in the world.
And what does fate decide to do? Throw temptation right in my face.
The woman is stunning. Stunning and intelligent. I like that.
Usually I forget about my hook-ups as soon as my knot deflates.
Not this girl. I’ve been thinking about her. Reliving those moments in the dark room.
I didn’t consider it a problem. I didn’t think I would ever see her again.
I pick up my feet and force myself along the corridor shaking my head as I do. My office is bare. The shelves empty, the drawers not yet filled, cardboard boxes resting on the highly polished floor. I drop my notes and laptop on the wide desk and open the first box.
This isn’t going to be a problem. Control and focus have never been a problem for me. It’s why I’ve got to where I am ten years before many others.
But it’s more of a problem than I expect, because the woman is everywhere. Every fucking where. When I turn a corner; when I enter a lab; when I arrive for a meeting. There, peering up at me with those dewy blue eyes, plush lips parted. If she was a quiet type who melted into the background, perhaps I could ignore her. But she’s determined to grab my attention at every possibility.
By the end of the second week my nerves are frayed. I’ve been tested before. My alpha instincts strained to their limit. But not so often. Not so many times.
And then she’s there, bending over a desk. It’s after hours, the windows black with night and the hum of the equipment the only noise in the lab.
I freeze in the doorway, unable to resist the temptation of letting my gaze linger over her body.