I shrug. “He’ll come round too. You just wait and see.”
I signal to one of the nurses to ramp up my music choice for today, Coldplay, and hum along as I work, everyone in the theatre throwing me strange glances.
I don’t give a shit.
At the end of the back-to-back hip replacements I’m performing today, I shower in the staff room, pick up a bouquet of flowers from the gift shop, and walk the few streets to Sophia’s apartment. I should probably call first, but I like the idea of surprising her. I’m going to take her out to dinner.
But when she buzzes me up to her apartment, I am not surprised to find Roman already there, pouring over a takeaway menu.
I kiss both their cheeks and hand her the big bunch of red roses.
“Fancy,” Ro says.
I spot the large bouquet of dusty pink dahlias already resting on the counter. I assume they are from my packmate. “How long have you been here?”
“An hour. I came straight from work … and I’m gathering you came straight from the hospital.”
We grin at each other. We’re as keen to see this woman as each other.
“You really should have called first, both of you,” Sophia says, arranging the flowers in a vase. “I may have had plans.”
“It was worth the risk,” I say, coming to stand behind her and sliding my arms around her waist. It’s been three days since I’ve seen her and the time felt infinite. “It seems,” I say, spinning her around to face me, “that you are now on familiar terms with another of my packmates.” I motion my head in Ro’s direction.
She straightens my collar. “I’ve no doubt you already knew that, Alpha.” She peers up at me, her blue eyes almost violet this evening. “Are you mad about it?”
“No. I’m loving every part of this, Sophia.”
“So you really don’t mind the idea of me dating both of you?”
“We like to share.”
She tilts her head. Of course, there’s still the issue of Esra. We all know that. But I’m not derailing this evening by bringing him up.
“Do you?” she asks. “I have no idea how this works.”
“Come on, pick what you want for dinner,” Ro says, slamming the menu down on the counter beside us. “I’m starving here.”
“We’re all eating together, then?” Sophia asks, her gaze flicking between the two of us.
“If you’re happy with that, sweetheart,” I say, unable to help from kissing that sensitive spot below her ear, even if it earns me an irritated growl from Roman.
“I thought you liked to share.” Sophia lifts my chin and looks between us again. “That did not sound like a sharing’s-caring sort of noise.”
“Ro gets narky when he’s hungry. He’s worried I’m going to delay him from getting his dinner.”
“Exactly,” Ro says, pointing to the menu.
Sophia pouts at Ro. “So dinner is more appetising than me, is it?”
I step back with a chuckle, knowing she’s playing with fire.
Ro stalks towards her. “You are a lot more appetising, Sophia, trust me.” His heated gaze drags down her blouse, over her skirt and travels her long legs. “But I was raised to be a gentleman.”
“Maybe I don’t want you to be a gentleman.” Her voice and her eyes are full of challenge and he has her perching on the edge of the counter before her next breath.
“So what are you going to offer me then to appease my appetite? I’m starving here, little one.”
Her eyes flick to me, and I smirk, crossing my arms over my chest.