“I want to watch the two of you together,” Liam says, lifting me off his lap and onto my feet, Gabe following after me. Liam sits there, his cock in his lap, hands coiled around his shaft, eyes wild.
“You want him?” he asks me and I glance at Gabriel, his face even more golden in the lamp light. He’s so beautiful and I can’t help remembering how gracefully he moved across the stage, the strength in his thighs, the force of his rhythm.
I’ve never wanted to fuck a man more.
“Yes,” I say, stepping towards the omega, “if he wants me.”
Gabe nods and I reach up on my toes to kiss him, my hands making quick work of his shirt buttons. I yank it away and swim my hands over his smooth chest, trailing my kisses to his neck, and sucking and licking until he’s groaning.
He’s pulling at my own top next, hands inside my bra, squeezing at my tits and tweaking at my nipples.
“Your tits are so soft,” he mutters and he trails his fingers around my stiff nipple until I lose track of what I was doing to him and throw my head back, eyes drifting shut.
I fumble at his clothes and he does the same with mine and soon we’re both standing in front of each other, completely bare. I take a step back and let my eyes roam over his beautiful body. The faint line of a scar runs across his belly and a selection of inks sprawl across his pecs and down his torso ending above the light fuzz that frames his cock. His cock itself isn’t as large as his two alphas’, but it bends in a manner that has my mouth watering in anticipation and as he stands and observes me too, he glides his hand through his slick and coats his dick in it.
He beckons me forward and when I’m standing right in front of him, he sweeps my hair over my shoulder and whispers in my ear.
“You still want to do this? You don’t have to just because he wants it.”
“I want you,” I whisper back. “I want you as well as him.” I nibble against his ear. “But only if you want it too.”
He has his hands hooked under my backside without another word, backing me up against the wall and thrusting inside me as I wrap my legs tightly around his middle.
“Shit, yes,” Liam says, from the couch. “You’re both so damn hot.”
I wasn’t sure what it would be like with an omega. With alphas it’s been powerful, brutal, unrelenting and unforgiving. They fuck like they were born to do it. Like nothing else matters in the world.
But an omega. Maybe I thought he would be gentle, more passive.
But Gabriel is strong, and though his rhythm is slow and careful, each thrust inside is powerful; the omega using his entire body to fuck me.
I match his pace, bucking my hips against him and meeting every thrust, clenching around him, and gripping his shoulders, driving my heels against his arse and dragging him in deeper.
I forget we’re being watched, forget we’re putting on a performance.
I’m too lost to this dance, our two bodies working together.
He leans down to whisper in my ear again, words for just the two of us.
“You feel so good! I can see why you have my two alphas all in a tangle.”
“I … I …” I stutter but I can’t get the words out.
Gabriel looks towards his alpha. Then braces one arm beside my head and fucks me even harder.
Liam stumbles from the sofa towards us. Arm resting against the wall, he kisses his omega, sloppy and wet, and then he twists his head and kisses me too, his hands finding my tits as Gabriel continues his thrusts. Pounding me against the wall.
When we come together a moment later, Gabriel’s strong grip finally gives way as he loses himself to the feeling, the two of us tumbling to the floor in a pile of sweat and come.
“Shit,” Liam chuckles.
I peer up at him as I pant hard, and this time it’s me who beckons, beckons him down towards me, lying out flat on my back and parting my thighs for him. He doesn’t need an invitation, ramming inside me. I’m wet, from my arousal and Gabriel’s come, and he slides into me, all the way in until he’s seated himself. Then he lifts my leg, increasing the angle so I’m forced to take more, and fucks me like something possessed. Like he wants to remind me he’s as good as Gabriel, that he can make me feel as good, like he’s reclaiming my pussy.
Gabriel curls up beside us on the rug, his eyes bright as he watches his Alpha fuck me. I search for an inkling of doubt, of jealousy, but I can’t find any. Not now anyway. Maybe that is something which will come later, when the heat of the moment dies away.
Liam mutters strings of expletives and I know he’s close, his pace faltering. But I can’t give him that final thing. I can’t take his knot, so with a long lingering kiss he withdraws from me and his attention flips to his omega.
Maybe now’s the time for me to feel that stab of jealousy. To feel used.