“Well, it was until I found out he was the new physics professor at Crestmore.”
Rosie stares at me.
“Shit, that’s awkward,” Zane mutters.
“So … are you seeing him now?” Rosie asks, looking concerned.
“No, don’t worry, Rosie, I’m not breaking any rules, although that’s more his choice than mine. In fact, he’s made it clear he’s not risking his career for any illicit thing with me.”
“So he was tempted? You were tempted?”
I sink back against the bed, lifting my eyes to the skylights and the grey clouds beyond. “He makes me feel like I could burst into flames whenever I’m with him.”
“Oh shit,” Rosie says with sympathy, “that sucks, Soph.”
“It does. He’s the first guy I’ve felt that way about since …” I rub at my nose. “And I’ve been feeling pissed about the whole situation but then I met this new guy. A doctor.”
Zane’s ears perk up. He’s a junior doctor himself at the local hospital. “What’s his name?”
“Liam Stand. Do you know him?”
Zane shakes his head and I find myself a little disappointed. I was hoping for some more information about him and this pack.
“I really like him, and the sex …” I give Rosie a knowing look. She reaches up and places her hands over her alpha’s ears.
“The sex?”
“Was fucking amazing. Like out of this world. He made me come so many times I lost count.” My body tingles with the memory of last night and I rub my thighs together.
Rosie grins.
Zane yanks her hands away. “What? I wanna know.”
“Nope,” Rosie says, bopping his nose with her forefinger, “that was girls’ business.”
“Anyway,” I shake my head. “I thought this was a good thing. Hello new, very hot, very …” I swoon, “experienced alpha. Goodbye Professor Knobhead. You know I’ve always found the best way to get over someone is to find someone new.”
“But it didn’t work this time?” Rosie asks with sympathy.
“No, because I woke up at his place this morning and discovered two things. One,” I hold up my forefinger, “this alpha already has a pack omega.”
“What?!” Rosie says, shock swimming across her face. “A pack omega? What the fuck?”
“Exactly,” I say although I can’t help noticing Zane doesn’t seem as outraged as his omega, “and two,” I hold up my middle finger, “guess who his packmate is?”
“Who?” Zane asks.
“Professor Knobhead.”
“Wait, they have a pack omega? I mean, how did you find out?”
“Oh, I met him. This morning. In the kitchen.”
Rosie’s eyes nearly pop from her head. “And you’re still alive to tell the tale?”
“Apparently.” I shift on the carpet, breaking off another chunk of cookie and picking out the chocolate chips. “He didn’t seem bothered at all. In fact, he made it seem like this was perfectly normal. That I wasn’t the first individual he’d sprung shagging one of his alphas.” I miss out the part where he was making moves on me. There’s enough to wrap my head around without that bit too.