Page 18 of In Control

“Hey,” I protest, “I am capable of buckling up myself.”

“I wasn’t sure. You are very young, practically a baby.”

“And so where are you planning on taking me, Grandpa?”

“Where do you youngsters like to go? No, don’t tell me, I think I know.”

He smiles to himself, revving the engine and nipping out of the space. The car speeds down the dark road, away from the botanical gardens and back out into the city. Everything is brighter and louder out here. The pavements are full of people, some laden with bags after a day of shopping, some dressed up on their way to Studworth’s clubs and bars.

“We could go to Deep Slick?” I offer. It’s a nightclub I know is popular with alphas and other powerful men.

“You wouldn’t get in.”

I turn from the window and frown at him. “Because I’m a beta.”

His gaze flicks from the road and meets mine. “Because you aren’t old enough.”

I laugh. “You know if you’re so concerned about my age, perhaps you ought to ask me how old I am. I could be underage.”

“You’re not. And it’s rude to ask a woman her age,” he says seriously. “The amount of times I’ve had to ask a patient their date of birth and ended up on the receiving end of a verbal bashing.”

“I’m 26.”

He sighs. “Ahhh, to be 26 again.”

“I’m not sure I’d recommend it,” I confess, smoothing down my black dress against my thighs.

“Why not?” He flicks on the indicator and swerves the car to the right.

“Did you have your life sorted at 26? Did you know what you wanted to do?”

“I was a junior doctor at 26. I was on the path to be who I am. But,” he adds, bringing the car to an abrupt stop, “I didn’t have it all figured out. If I’m honest, Sophia, I still don’t. And I’m not sure anyone ever does. If they say they do, they’re lying.”

“Hmmm,” I say, thinking of my best friend and how sorted her life seems.

I glance out at the window expecting us to be parked outside some sophisticated bar or hotel. Instead, the bright lights of a neon sign flicker in front of us.

“You’re serious?” I ask.

“I am.” He unbuckles his seat belt and jumps out of the car, coming around to open my door for me.

He helps me out, offering his arm again so I can hobble across the car park and inside the fast food restaurant.

“I don’t know about you,” he whispers in my ear, “but I’m fucking starving after that party. Why do they always serve such bloody small portions?”

He helps me into a seat by the window. The place is pretty empty, just a small group of teenagers gathered around a table at the back and another teenager leaning against the counter, chewing gum.

“What can I get you?”

“What would you recommend?” I ask. “I’ve never been here before.”

“My respect for you has dropped considerably, Sophia. How the hell have you never been here? They serve the best kebab and chips in Studworth.”

I crinkle up my nose. “I’ve never exactly been tempted by kebab meat before.” I glance towards the revolving tower of meat. “Is it safe?”

“Fuck knows, but it tastes good.” Shaking off his jacket, he unclips his cufflinks, dropping them into his pocket and rolling up his sleeves. “I’m going to order for you.”

He strolls over to the counter and a second older man emerges from the kitchen out the back. The alpha chats cheerfully to the other two men and soon they’re laughing. I take the opportunity to examine him under the bright lights of the restaurant. It’s obvious he works out, his forearms strong, veins running down his arm, his shoulders broad. And his arse! The material of his suit trousers is taut across the tight cheeks and I have the urge to sink my fingernails in deep.