Page 96 of In Control

I love this grumpy, stubborn man so much and, though he often has a funny way of showing it, I know he loves me too.

Once we’re dressed, I drag him out to the kitchen and hunt down the others.

Roman makes us all scrambled eggs and I tell them Esra has fucked things up with Sophia.


Liam looks like he might launch across the table and throttle our packmate, but I rest my hand on his arm and soothe him.

“He’s going to fix things, aren’t you, Es?”

“Yes,” Esra answers, and I could throttle him myself. He could give the others a little more.

I roll my eyes and turn to the others as Ro tips rubbery egg onto our plates.

“Turns out our friend here jumped to some conclusions with our girl yesterday and got right up her nose. She hasn’t been returning my calls ever since.”

“Nor mine,” Liam adds. Roman nods in agreement.

“I told her she was done with us,” Esra says, eyes fixed on his plate as he shovels eggs onto his fork.

“Bloody Hell,” Liam says, ruffling his hand through his hair. “What conclusions?”

“Doesn’t matter,” I intercede. I don’t want to start an argument. I want to get Sophia back. “I’m taking him round there this morning to put things right.”

“You are?” Esra looks up from his plate.

“Yes, the longer you leave it, the longer it will fester.”

Esra pulls a face and lowers his fork.

“I’m going to come too,” Liam announces.

“And me,” Ro adds.

“I don’t think that’s–”

“Good,” I say, giving a just-try-me stare at Esra.

We’re going to do things my way.

* * *

A couplewith their arms linked push through the entrance to Sophia’s apartment block and I dart forward, snagging the door from them and holding it open for my alphas.

“You don’t think we should call up?” Esra asks. If I didn’t know better, I’d guess the man looks a little nervous.

“And have her refuse to let us in?” I whisper. “Nope on a rope.”

“She might refuse to let us in her apartment.”

“Yes, but we’re a lot harder to ignore standing right outside her door.”

We ride up in the lift and I remind Esra and the others for the one hundredth time to let me do all the talking and to only come in once I signal that they should. I don’t need Esra putting his giant alpha foot in his mouth and undoing any of my good work.

The couple leave the lift two floors before us, throwing curious glances our way as they do, and we ride the final floors in silence.

I squeeze through the opening doors first and dart down the hallway towards her door. Her darn cat meets me halfway there, mewling angrily at me. I’m guessing I didn’t make a great impression on him last time. Ignoring the grumpy beast, I walk the last few steps to Sophia’s door and freeze.