I yank my arms from my sleeves and plant my palms on his firm stomach, tugging his shirt free of his trousers, and discovering warm skin underneath.
“Sophia,” he growls.
“I want to see you, Alpha,” I whisper, reaching up on my toes and sucking on his neck, sucking hard enough to bruise.
He presses into me, hard against the wall, and then with a tortured growl steps away. I hear the floorboards creak beneath his feet and then a lamp switches on, revealing the room in its faint orange glow.
I let my vision roam the room, taking in this alpha’s private space.
It has the Victorian charm of the house, dark polished floorboards, a battered leather armchair, and a wide double bed. A bookcase lines one wall and on the others are a mixture of family photos and small discrete art works.
On the back of the door hangs a white coat and a stethoscope.
I walk over to it and hook the device off the door, cradling it in my hands. The metal is cool to the touch.
“I didn’t think surgeons needed these.”
“Not often.”
Swishing my hair over my shoulders, I plug the stethoscope into my ears and step closer to him. Pulling the hem of his shirt, I slip the end of the stethoscope underneath the material and against his stomach.
He sucks in a sudden breath and stills, waiting to see what I’ll do next.
I come closer. Sliding the stethoscope up the ridges of his six pack, over his ribs and hovering over his solid left pec. Immediately my ears fill with the thump thump of his heart. Loud and aggressive. I realise just how powerful this man is. He has the bedside manner of an experienced doctor. He is charming. But he is an alpha nonetheless. Hidden behind his suits, beneath his white coat, is a body designed for dominance and violence. He could rip me to shreds if he wished. He could crush me in the palm of his hand. But that doesn’t leave me afraid. No, the opposite, it sends desire swirling in my belly.
I’m realising that being with an alpha is like playing with fire. Any moment it could soar out of control and engulf me, but that is half the fun.
I’ve always enjoyed playing with fire. But these days those fires have become harder and harder to find. Nothing excites me anymore.
This alpha, he excites me. What he could do to me, excites me even more.
I run my free hand over his torso, tracing the top of his jeans, holding his hot gaze in mine.
Carefully, he removes the stethoscope from my ears and tugs it from my hand. He places them in his ears and yanks down the neck of my top, exposing a slither of my lacy red bra. Another of those growls and he’s pressing the metal against my ribs. It’s not as cold as it was but it’s still cool.
“Your heart’s racing, sweetheart.”
“It is?” I ask, breathless. He glides the stethoscope down resting it on the curve of my breast.
Then, with an irritated growl, he’s yanking off my top and staring down at me. He rests the stethoscope back over my ribs and whispers, “Let’s see if I can make it race even faster.”
He cups the side of my ribcage with his hand and glides his thumb over my nipple, the rough lace brushing against the sensitive tip and making it harden with his attention.
“Hmmm,” he says, listening. “A little faster.”
He sweeps his thumb over again, then rings the delicate tissue, before squeezing the whole of my breast in his palm.
I tip my head back and his mouth meets my throat. He licks a wet stripe down my pulse and nips at my shoulder, his fingers inside my bra now, his thumb more calloused and rough than I’d realised.
It feels divine and I bite down hard on my lip, letting him pull me closer, his thigh jamming between my legs and pressing into my core. I rub against him, my fingernails digging into the plane of his stomach. He bites me in retaliation and then he’s chuckling.
“Fuck, now we’re getting somewhere, sweetheart. Your heart’s pounding for me.”
It’s not the only thing. There’s a pulse between my legs that’s making me needy and the friction of his thigh isn’t nearly enough.
I grab at his fly, tripping down the buttons and plunging my hand inside his jeans, finding him hard. I trail the length of him, moaning as I do.
He’s big. Big like the professor and I remember how good that had been. I could get used to alpha cock.