Page 121 of In Control

Then there’s only Roman left to go. I hook my arms around his shoulder and nuzzle his ear. “Do it, Alpha. Claim our girl and make our pack whole.”

Liam backs away, his lips stained scarlet with Sophia’s blood and Roman hovers above her, stroking her face, whispering words to her that only the two of them can hear, words I can feel in Sophia’s bond delight her. There’s one spot left on her neck, room for one more bite and Roman claims it as his own. Sinking his teeth gently, softly, carefully into her skin. He’s always been the most sensitive of us, the one taking care of us all.

My bonds vibrate more violently and the sensation echoes through my body and my bones, lighting up every part of me.

“Wow,” I whisper. It’s as if the bond was never complete, never whole. Because now, with Sophia bonded to us all, I feel just how powerful, how awesome, it truly is, and I know that this was always meant to be our destiny.

I wrap my hands around my mates, drawing us all into one giant hug, and we all collapse together onto the sofa, laughing and crying and happier than it should be possible for five people to possibly be.

A pack.

Finally, the pack we should always have been.



“Are you nervous?”I ask Sophia squirming on the seat beside me. I take her hand in mine and lace our fingers together and on her other side Esra leans down and kisses her shoulder.

“Yes … no … I just really need to pee.” She screws up her eyes. “The letter said I had to drink a pint of water before this scan and now I’m desperate.”

Esra jumps up to his feet. “I’ll go see where Liam went. See if it’s OK for you to pee.” He’s obviously nervous too and in need of a mission to keep himself occupied.

Me, I’m cool as a cucumber. Everything has been perfect since Sophia stepped into our lives permanently and I know deep down in my gut this scan will be too. I let my calmness seep through our bond and her legs stop jiggling.

She keeps fiddling with the pendant around her neck, though, something she always does when she’s tense. “What if there’s something–”

“There won’t be, Soph. It’s going to be just fine.”

I take the pendant from her fingers and twist it over in my own. She wears it most days. The stone is a silvery blue like the colour of her eyes. I’ve never asked her about it before and I realise there’s still so much we have to learn about one another. “Was it a gift?”

“Yes, from my dad on my 18th.” She peers down at it. “I should have given it away. I meant to put it in a pile to take to the charity shop.” She strokes her thumb over the stone. “But I couldn’t do it.”

“You miss him.”

“I wish I didn’t. I wish I could just hate him. He’s going to miss this too, the arrival of his grandchild.”

I let the pendant fall back against her collarbone and stroke her cheek. “I miss my dad too.” He wasn’t the best dad even when he was around, but there are moments like this when I feel his absence most keenly. I want to be the best dad I can for this kid. I want to make my packmates happy. It would be nice to have someone to turn to for advice.

She swallows and chews on her lip again. “What if we’re like them, Ro?” she whispers. “What if we turn out to be the same and screw up this kid?”

“We won’t. We aren’t them. I may not have made this baby, Soph,” I say, laying my hand against the little bump at her stomach, “but it’s mine. I love it already and I always will. I’m going to make sure this child knows that every day of their life.” I pinch her chin and kiss her lips. “I’m going to make sure you know it too. It’s what you deserve.”

She beams back at me and, through our bond, I feel that tension leaving her body. “You always make me feel better,” she mumbles, cosying up to my side.

I smile, pride swelling my chest. I may not have Gabe’s charm, Liam’s wit or Esra’s … whatever the hell you’d call that, but I know how to take care of my packmates. I know how to take care of Sophia especially.

Liam and Esra stroll back to where we’re waiting on the bench.

“Go pee,” Liam tells Sophia, “it’ll be fine.”

“Oh thank god!” She springs to her feet and dashes off towards the bathroom. A minute later, Gabe comes skidding into the corridor, panting and red faced.

“Shit! Did I miss it? Am I too late? Where’s Sophia?”

Liam squeezes his shoulder. “Breathe, Gabe. You didn’t miss it.”

“I’m here,” she says, creeping up behind our omega and wrapping her arms around his middle.