I catch his eye. I have no idea how he’ll take this news – no idea how any of them will. But I hope they’ll be happy. “I’m pregnant.”
“P r e g n a n t,” he repeats slowly as if he can’t comprehend the word. Then a look of astonishment crashes over his face. “Is it mine?”
I bite my lip to try to stop the nervous tremble and nod. “I think it must be. I’ve been on birth control for years.”
Liam adds his palm to my belly.
“We dreamed of children,” he says, “but we knew the likelihood of making it a reality was slim. Nobody wanted to let a bunch of alpha males adopt a baby. Nobody was willing to be a surrogate.”
“It’s early days. I haven’t had my scan yet or–”
“But you took a test?” Esra asks.
“Yes, this morning. I’ve been feeling a little sick. I thought it was nerves or something, but ….”
“How long? How far along are you?” Esra whispers, his eyes locked on the slight curve of my stomach.
“Eight weeks.”
“Soph,” Liam asks me. “What do you want to do?”
“I’m going to keep it,” I say. Perhaps I haven’t had much time to think about it, and yet it was my immediate reaction. “I’m not sure I’ll be the best mum in the world, but I know I will love this baby. I already do.” I pause. “But that doesn’t mean you have to be involved or feel responsible–”
Gabe is beside me in an instant, taking my hand in his. “You know, Sophia, that we want you to join this pack.” I smile, and damn these hormones, because tears well in my eyes. “This just makes it all the more perfect. And,” he squeezes my hand, “I know you’re still trying to work out what you want to do with your life. This won’t restrict your options. You know I’m going to have lots of free time on my hands soon and I can’t think of a better way than spending it raising our child.”
“What about the choreography?”
He swishes his hand through the air. “I can take a break before that. And luckily I … we …” he winks, “have a pack of wealthy alphas so money won’t be a problem.”
“Of course not,” Liam says. “We’re going to take care of all four of you.”
“Hmm,” I say.
“What?” Esra asks, frowning at his packmate. “Four?”
“I’d wager a guess there’s more than one baby in here given Soph’s showing already.”
“Excuse me?” I say, alarmed. One baby was a big enough shock this morning, but two?
“Twins probably.”
Gabe’s grin grows even wider. “The more the merrier.”
“The taking care of you starts today, sweetheart,” Esra says. “We’re moving you in with us. Today. I know you wanted to take this slow and–”
“I’d like that,” I tell him. I’ve had four weeks to think about what I want, and even before the baby bombshell, I’d made up my mind. I want to be with these men. I want to make them mine. I want to be a part of this pack.
“Good,” Esra says, and the others agree.
“But,” I say, combing my fingers through Esra’s hair.
“But …” Gabe repeats.
I take a deep breath. I’m not sure they’re going to like this bit, but it’s important to me. We’re starting from the beginning and so I’m laying my stipulations out on the table. “I don’t want to join a pack that isn’t exclusive. I know this pack is open, but that isn’t something I can handle. If you want me to join this pack, then it has to be the five of us, and only the five of us.”
The pack is silent for a moment and Esra sweeps his fingers backwards and forwards over my stomach.
Gabe speaks first. “I don’t have a problem with that, Sophia,” he says simply. “I wouldn’t want to share you with anyone outside this pack.”