He didn’t say anything. Just walked away.
I watched as men moved out of his way as he passed, not wanting to get within three feet of him.
My brother had always been intimidating, even when he didn’t want to be—and that was hardly ever the case.
Micah loved it when he intimidated others. It was probably one of his hobbies.
I shook my head.
It was about time I left. I wasn’t really needed here anymore. Not when everything seemed to be operating smoothly.
I met Dominic’s eyes from across the room and indicated toward the door.
He nodded, though I didn’t miss the curious look in them.
It had been a while since I partied with my brothers.
I was sure people were starting to notice how different I was acting. Yet, I couldn’t seem to force myself to stay away from her.
And any fucker who dared try to make me would be one dead fucker.
* * *
I went backto her apartment late that night. Everything was quiet out in the hallway, and I looked across the way where that bitch who called my girl a slut lived.
Ryleigh said to ignore her, but I didn’t think I could let it go.
I could fucking ruin the bitch’s life without touching her, and I fucking wouldn’t touch her.
Not even with a ten-foot pole.
I unlocked Ryleigh’s door and let myself in.
As usual, her apartment was dark and quiet. I had checked the camera earlier and knew she was sound asleep.
The little innocent didn’t even know she was being visited nightly by a fucking monster wanting to devour her whole.
I licked my lips from the thought and gently closed and locked the door behind me.
I walked inside her apartment, approached her open door, and quietly went through, taking in the sleeping girl on the bed.
I stayed where I was, watching her for a moment before she shifted on her bed and let out the cutest little snore.
Fuck me.
I was really gone if I thought a snore was fucking cute.
I smiled a little, made my way to the bed, and carefully climbed in so as not to startle her, pulling her against my body and holding her close.
She instantly relaxed into me, and it might be arrogant of me to think so, but I thought she slept better in my arms.
That was good, because I didn’t see myself being away from her during the nighttime often.
There might be times when work from the club might keep me away, but I was always gonna go right back to her.
I buried my face in the back of her neck, taking in that unique scent that belonged just to her.