Page 40 of Hunter

He looked directly at me with purpose, as if he knew I had been standing there watching him all along, and I suddenly had the urge to either run and hideorrun to him.

I didn’t know which yet.

He made me want to get as close to him as possible, even knowing a man like that wasn’t good for me.


He didn’t look like he was good for anyone.

But how fucking fun would his brand of bad be?

I shivered.

His eyes heated their way over my body, and there was something dangerous about the look in them.

Something dangerous and addictive.

He looked at me as if he knew me.

As if he knew me better than anyone else in this world, myself included.

As if he knew of all my yearning, my darkest desires, all of my secrets that I never let anyone know.

And I suddenly felt naked.


I shifted on my feet, unsure why my heart was racing so fast inside my chest, as if it wanted to get out and fly straight to him.

There was something achingly familiar about the man, yet I couldn’t put my finger on it. I knew I had never seen him before—I would have remembered.

Wouldn’t I?

He wasn’t the kind of man anyone could ever forget.

He was the kind to entrench himself so deep inside your memory that he would haunt you.

I blinked, my eyes burning for some strange reason.

Then, the briefest smirk tugged on the man’s full lips. So brief, I wasn’t even sure if I imagined it or not before he stepped toward me, breaking the spell, and I found myself gasping for air.

He walked past me on his way to the elevator, his shoulder brushing past me, our eyes never breaking contact.

He had the most beautiful brown eyes I had ever seen on anyone, the dark irises glinting against his golden tan skin that I knew wasn’t achieved from going out in the sun.

No, this was all genetics.

He winked at me, and I felt light-headed.

I could do nothing more than watch as he stepped into the elevator. We held eye contact until the doors closed, and I was left staring at my reflection in the mirrored doors.

I looked flushed and out of it.

I blinked, and suddenly the once quiet lobby was penetrated with noises.


What was that?