Page 26 of Hunter

“Not possible, kid,” I answered gruffly.

He rolled his eyes, reminding me so much of his dad then. Whereas Braxton, Dominic’s youngest son, took after his mom, Kai was the spitting image of Dominic, even right down to their mannerisms.

“Come on. Let’s go sit down, and you can tell me all that you’ve been up to,” I said.

Kai shook his head. “I told you everything already. I want to know how you got out.”

I met Dominic’s eyes and shook my head. “Found new evidence, kid.”

“Yeah? Do you really think I’m stupid?”

I stopped and looked at him. He held my stare for about five long seconds before he shifted and looked away. No matter how mature Kai acted, he was still a kid. He might be on his way to inheriting the club from his old man, but he wasn’t a member yet, and we weren’t going to discuss club business with him.

He let out a sigh, turned, and led us to where he was sitting.

“A little early for a drink, ain’t it, son?” Dominic asked.

“This is my first one. And I haven’t even finished it.”

Micah grabbed the glass from the table and chugged the whole thing. He smiled at Kai, and even if Micah was my brother, there was still something psychotic about his eyes that sent shivers up and down my spine. I knew Kai wasn’t unaffected like he hoped to appear to be.

“And now it’s finished. You’re not drinking anymore for the rest of the day. Got it, kid?”

Kai crossed his arms over his chest. “You really expect me to remain sober while everyone celebrates Roman’s homecoming?”

Dominic covered his laughter with his hand when Micah answered, “Yeah.”

I grinned and looked at the two. Kai lost first when he muttered, “Whatever,” and looked away.

I laughed and ruffled Kai’s hair, ignoring his grumbling.

Things were off to a good start.



“Is this it?”I asked Kai as I got out of my black truck and walked up to where he was standing against his.

A sweet little Low Rider S his old man bought him for his twenty-first birthday.

That thing was his baby.

Not that I blamed him.

It was fucking sweet.

Kai nodded and pointed up to the second floor of the luxurious apartment.

Not bad for the Judge’s daughter, I supposed, but did she think this would protect her?

She would have received the news of my release, but I bet the girl felt protected in her cloak of anonymity.

I wondered if she knew there had been a camera on the corner of the building, put up by Dominic, and that we had her identity the day we realized there was a witness.

“Apartment 203,” Kai said, scowling up at the door.

“Thanks, kid. But you can go.”