Page 14 of Hunter

My breath caught when I realized Kai was the third man to the left. And though his presence had always seemed bigger than life on campus, he didn’t feel like it now.

Not when he was standing next to two other men, who were obviously older than him and took up so much energy. I was finding it hard to breathe.

“You hear that, Micah. We’re apparently opening up businesses for some shady shit.”

Was this…

Was this the owner of Club X?

He looked like an older, more distinguished version of Kai.

I assumed this was Kai’s father—the notorious King’s Men MC president.

The guys from the table visibly blanched, but they didn’t reply to him. I tried to remember what the president’s name was. I was sure my father had spurted it out a few times at the house, mostly in disgust…

Dominic Madden.

He was like nothing I imagined him to be.

For one thing, he wasn’t terrible looking.

Or old.

Quite young and handsome. I suddenly found myself drawn to him.

Not in a sexual way, but in the way I was drawn to Kai.

There was just the magnetism about his presence that was hard to ignore.

Like Kai, he was built like a professional football player, with broad shoulders, a wide chest, and a tall frame.

Though there was something dangerous about him that couldn’t be said about anyone else.

He wasn’t the kind of man anyone would mess with.

And he had the most beautiful tan skin, free from blemishes, saved for a few visible scars from where I sat.

A warrior’s mark.

He shared the same dark blue eyes as his son, though his hair was a shade or two darker than Kai’s, and much shorter. It was mostly shaved off.

Tattoos covered his skin from where I could see.

And he looked too young to have a son who was nineteen or twenty.

I turned away from Dominic and looked over at Kai, who was looking at me with a strange look in his eyes.

I resisted the urge to squirm.

That was probably his superpower.

Making people uncomfortable with a single glance.

I turned my attention to the third man and froze.

This man was…
