Page 11 of Hunter

And now I did have a chance to wear it, but I wasn’t so sure.

I still didn’t know why they invited me out with them tonight when they had been out plenty of times and never extended the invitation to me.


Despite knowing they didn’t really do it because they wanted to be my friends, I was still excited about the prospect of going out.

I grabbed my three-inch black, strappy high heels and walked out to the living room where all the girls were.

They quieted when they saw me, mouths slightly open and surprise clear in their eyes.

I pulled up short and looked at them.

None of them said anything for a moment, and then a look of annoyance crossed Angelica’s face.

“Are you seriously wearing that?” she asked.

I frowned. “What’s wrong with it?”

I wasn’t wearing anything different from her, except for the fact that her dress was red and much shorter than mine.

Her blonde hair was pinned up in a high ponytail, and she had on twice as much makeup as me, to the point where if I had seen her on the streets, I wouldn’t have recognized her.

“Nothing’s wrong with it,” Marren commented, shooting Angelica a look.

Angelica’s lips thinned, showcasing her dissatisfaction, but she kept quiet.

When they didn’t say anything else, I took in the other two girls standing on either side of Angelica.

Marren was a petite woman, shorter than me by about two inches, with long straight dark hair, fringe bangs that framed her heart shape face nicely, almond brown eyes, and brown skin.

I heard in passing that she had a mixed heritage of White British on her mom’s side and Chinese American on her dad’s side.

Like her two friends, she was beautiful in an unattainable sort of way and was by far the most athletic person I had ever met. I knew she was here on a volleyball scholarship, and if Angelica was considered hot-headed, then she was the more level-headed counterpart.

They were much closer to each other than their third friend, Kylie Collins, who was thin and tall in a modelesque way.

With red hair cut in a short bob, edgy side bangs, and green eyes encased in dark eyeshadow that stood out nicely on her pale skin, she was beautiful in a classic way.

In ways that made it easy for her to transform any way she wanted.

She was far quieter than the other two, and sometimes, I thought we could have been friends. If not friends, at the very least, be friendly with each other, had she not been friends with Angelica and Marren first.

She was also looking at me with a guilty look in her eyes.

It should have been my first sign to call off tonight, only I was dressed and ready to go.

Angelica plastered on a small smile that I didn’t trust and said, “Let’s go. Club X just opened, and I’m sure there is a long line already.”

Club X?

Why did that sound familiar?

I didn’t say anything as I leaned down and put on my shoes. When I turned back to them, Angelica didn’t take off the annoyed look in her eyes soon enough, and I pulled up short, taking her in.

It looked like she didn’t want me to go out with them tonight.

“We can take your car, can’t we?” Angelica asked. “You don’t mind driving, right?”