“I have some work to do this morning and late tonight, but I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning for our date, deal?”
Oh, that meant I wouldn’t see him for the rest of the day. And I knew tomorrow wasn’t too far away, but it felt like it then. Something like disappointment settled in my stomach.
“Oh, okay, that sounds great.”
I tried to turn away, but he wouldn’t let me. He cupped my cheek, his palm warm and calloused, and it felt so good against my skin.
“Hey. I’m sorry I can’t do our date earlier.”
I nodded. “I understand. I know this is unexpected.”
I certainly hadn’t expected it.
“You okay?” he asked.
It wasn’t a big deal that I had to wait a bit longer, and there wasn’t really any reason to whine over it. Besides, I was going to see him soon. Only yesterday, I had been feeling so lonely. This was a huge improvement.
At least I now had something to look forward to.
I nodded. “Yes, I’m fine. I can’t wait. I’ll get out of your hair.”
I moved to climb off the bed when he tightened his arms around me.
“I didn’t say that because I want you to leave.”
I pulled away. There was something wrong with my mouth. I couldn’t stop smiling.
“I know. But I also have to get ready for my day and work.”
He nodded, something like regret in his eyes. “All right.”
My breath caught when he leaned forward slowly, giving me time to change my mind, but when I held still, he pressed a small, chaste kiss against my lips and held it there for one, two, three, four long seconds.
When he pulled away, I found myself out of breath.
He smiled arrogantly when I couldn’t say anything.
“Go, baby. Before I do something rash, like tie you in my bed for the rest of the day.”
I knew he was only joking, but the dark note in his voice made me shiver, and I couldn’t decide if it was in fear or…excitement.
I nodded and climbed out of bed.
I was still in the same clothes I had been in last night, so I didn’t have to do anything. I found my purse hanging on the doorknob of his room, and I walked toward it, the awareness of his eyes on me making my movement awkward.
I nearly bumped into the doorway on my out. I turned when I realized I hadn’t said anything to him. Waving—and feeling like a complete dork after—I walked out in a hazy fog of happiness, excitement, andneed.It surrounded me as I stumbled my way back into my own apartment.
After spending the night away, this place felt even more empty and cold than it had been when I left.
My preparation for the spaghetti dinner was still left on the kitchen counter from the previous night.
In an alternative universe where Xavier hadn’t gotten to me in time, I might have been stumbling back into my apartment—maybe at this time, perhaps earlier—but I would be feeling something completely different.
I imagined this apartment would have felt just as empty and cold, but I wouldn’t be riding on this high.
I made my way into the bedroom, face-planted the bed on top of my covers, rolled to my back and looked up at the ceiling.
My legs shifted around on the bed restlessly, and a part of me wished I had been brave enough to ask Xavier for more than just a kiss.