Page 53 of Hunter

He looked like he knew what he was doing.

There wasn’t a way for a man to walk around with that confident swagger and not know what he was doing.

I shivered, just imagining him doingthatto me.

I had only had sex with one person in my life, and it had only been a handful of times with Rhett before he decided that being with me was too much work and was damaging his high school life.


I was still bitter about that relationship, and sometimes I wished I had waited and not given him any part of me.

It was done and over now, and I hadn’t dated anyone seriously since.

There was definitely something wrong with me, and now I was imagining having sex with my neighbor.

I walked out to the lobby when the elevator stopped on the main floor, moved toward the revolving door, and walked out to the grocery store.

It wasn’t much further from the building, just down the street, which was super convenient but not enough if I wanted to be out for longer than fifteen minutes.

I didn’t want to return to the empty place, but I didn’t know where to go after getting the sauce.

My eyes moved around the city.

The grocery store was to my left.

I stopped at the cross street, and just as the light turned on for me to cross, I made a rash decision and took a right instead.

I walked aimlessly from one end of the street to the other, not knowing what the hell I was supposed to do now that I had taken this little detour when I found a small bar just on the corner.

The last time I went to a nightclub, I ended up becoming a key witness to a crime I didn’t want to witness. I knew a nightclub was different from a bar, but it was close enough that I still felt a shiver of fear run up and down my spine.

And that just pissed me off.

I should not be feeling like this.

I should not still have been affected by that, which only made me more determined to go inside.

I walked up to the doors, my hand hesitating on the handle before I shook off the apprehension and opened it. I walked inside to a dimly lit bar. It was not as full as I thought it would be.

I looked around, saw a handful of groups around the spacious bar, and made my way up to the bar top.

The bartender was an attractive man in his thirties with a neatly trimmed beard that wasn’tunlikeXavier’s.

I had half a mind to ask him if he would like to come home with me at the end of his shift if only to stave off the loneliness. Still, I had never been good at flirting, let alone picking up men for a one-night stand. I knew I would probably regret waking up in the morning light when I no longer felt like this.

So instead, I shot him a small smile and ordered a Long Island Iced Tea.

“Coming right up,” the man answered, his voice gruff.

I watched as he made it, and when he placed it in front of me with a wink, I looked down at the table and pretended not to notice how charming his wink was.

His eyes were blue, surrounded by enviable sooty black eyelashes that I couldn’t achieve even with mascara.

“It’s on the house, sweetheart.”

“Are you sure?” I asked.

He nodded and offered another charming smile.