Page 21 of Hunter

He was no longer the angry boy I empathized with but the boy associated with the club I wanted to stay far away from.

The heir to a criminal enterprise that was only getting bigger and bigger each year that passed.

The line moved up, and I turned away from him, keeping my gaze leveled with the menu hanging above the employees’ heads behind the cash register. However, I was still so aware of the boy who sucked up too much energy behind me.

Suddenly, the skin on the back of my neck burned.

Even before I looked, I knew that Kai was looking at me.

It felt more like glaring.

I quickly turned around.

Kai didn’t know me.

He barely knew I existed before the incident, which was how it should have remained, considering no one should know I was the witness to the case, yet he was looking at me…

He was looking at me like he hated me.

I snuck a glance back at him and quickly looked away.

He was still glaring at me, his lips set in a thin line.

I prayed for the line to hurry up, so I could get my coffee and leave.

I had half a mind to leave without the coffee, but then he would know he made me uncomfortable enough to leave.

And something about giving Kai that power didn’t sit right with me.

I got to the front of the line and quickly put in my order.

It wasn’t until I got my receipt for the drink that I realized he had left.

I let out a small sigh of relief and left for the waiting station for my coffee, yet the uneasiness didn’t leave me.

I still felt like there were eyes on me the whole time.



Two YearsLater

The chains rattledaround my ankles as I walked to the visitation booth. A guard with an expressionless look on his face escorted me.

Dominic sat on the other side of the glass that separated us.

He didn’t show any emotion when our eyes met, but I knew he was as happy to see me as I was to see him.

The guard walked away when I took a seat.

Dominic and I reached for the phone at the same time.

“How are you?” Dominic asked.

His dark blue eyes took me in as if assessing for injuries. I could scoff over that. Prison was hell, but fuck if I didn’t carve out a place for myself, residing as one of the Devils.

I grunted.