Page 19 of Hunter

The fucking so-called witness for the case didn’t even make an appearance to testify in court. I would have liked the chance to see her face.

But she was under some special protection, which told me she was probably someone powerful or had powerful connections.

Didn’t matter.

I would find out her identity soon enough.

How could I not know there was someone in that alleyway?

I was too blinded by rage that night.

Fucking Richard Jones.

I wished I had taken my time. Toyed with my prey. Should have taken him to my cabin and drawn it out.

His death certainly would have been messier, bloodier, and much more fucking painful than it had been, with a fucking knife slit across his throat.

What a fucking neat way to go.

I bet the fucker didn’t even suffer for long.

My fist clenched by my side as my eyes reached Mayor Gallagher.

The bastard’s dark eyes practically glowed with mirth.

He was enjoying this.

The slimy little bastard better fucking hope I didn’t get out because I would fucking kill him at the first chance available.

It would be a slow death, too.

Something even Micah would admire.

I stared back at the judge when he asked if I wanted to say anything.

I didn’t answer, and the slick motherfucker beside me, Owen Samuel, the lawyer Dominic hired, leaned forward and answered for me.

It was a resounding no.

Everything moved in a blur after that.

I didn’t remember much of what happened, and then I was behind fucking bars, waiting to be transferred to the Federal Detention Center. I should probably be grateful it wasn’t the Supermax Correctional Facility in Colorado.

I took in the small room I was in, surrounded by metal bars on all four sides.




New semester,new me.

If only I could believe that.

It had been three months since the alleyway incident.

The ruling for the court was sped up because it involved a key player from the notorious King’s Men MC—their VP—and it also involved the murder of a police officer.