Page 17 of Hunter

Pulling out my cell phone, I tried to put in the call for the tow company.


There was no service where I was standing.

This was just great.

I didn’t want to get too far from my car, but I couldn’t stand here all night. I walked over to the side of the building housing the club.

The music didn’t reach me here as much, and I could probably find service.

The bars appeared the closer I got to the mouth of the alley, and I finally found a good spot behind the dumpster.

I wrinkled my nose and kept at least three feet away, about to put in the call when the side door slammed open.

I placed my hand over my mouth to keep from saying anything and watched the shadows of two men come into view.

I didn’t know who they were, as they were hidden in the dark, but I could hear them.

“You must have a death wish coming here,” the bigger of the two men said to the other one.

He grabbed the shirt collar of the smaller man and pulled him up, bringing their face together.

Bile made its way up my throat, and it was taking everything in me not to throw up.

I pulled up the camera on my phone and pressed record.

My phone probably couldn’t pick up any visuals, but I hoped it would get in some audio. I didn’t dare move in closer.

I didn’t dare move away from the alley, fearing they might see me.

Something told me the big man was a dangerous man.

And he had just come out of the club owned by Dominic Madden.

I closed my eyes when the bigger man threw the smaller one on the ground.

“Please,” the smaller man said.

The other one laughed. The sound was mean and terrible. It sent goosebumps up my arms that had nothing to do with the cold.

“You should have thought about that before you came to our territory,” he said.

I closed my eyes.

The sound of flesh hitting flesh penetrated my mind, and I thanked my lucky stars I didn’t have a big lunch today—or better yet, that I hadn’t ordered so much food back at the restaurant—or surely it would have made its way onto my shoes by now.

This couldn’t possibly be happening to me, could it?

“Too late. I gave you a chance,” the mean voice said. “You should have run away when you had the chance, not crawling back and asking for forgiveness. You really think we make it a business to give out second chances to men like you?”

“Y-You can’t kill me,” the other man stuttered out.

“Oh?” I hated the sarcasm I could hear in his voice. “And why is that?”

“I’m a cop.”
