Page 16 of Hunter

I didn’t want to be, but I was.

I didn’t know how to connect to anyone beyond a few uttered nonsensical sentences in greetings.

I quickly wiped my mouth with my napkins and flagged the waitress down for the check.

Pulling out a hundred-dollar bill, I handed it to her when she came by and smiled.

She seemed surprised, but if there was one thing my family had, it was money.

It probably made me sound terrible, but I never grew up thinking about how much something might cost, considering the allowance my dad deposited in my bank each month was probably more than what most people made.

Perhaps that was why Angelica hated me.

I knew she came from a blue-collared family.

She was majoring in pre-law along with Marren, and though she was smart enough for the program and even law school, she once boasted loudly to her friends in the apartment that her one goal in life was to marry rich.

She probably didn’t know I could hear her from my room, or perhaps she didn’t care.

Didn’t matter, really.

That was her business.

I walked out of the restaurant and shivered as a cool chill overtook the night air.

It wasn’t usually too cold in California, and it seemed we had gotten into some heat wave recently, despite it getting into the fall, but tonight was much colder than I expected.

I rubbed my arms up and down, hoping to ward off the chills, and quickened my pace to my car.

It didn’t seem like the line for the club had moved up some, and it was getting too dark for me to see if the girls were still in line.

I stopped and frowned when I got to my car, wondering why it looked so weird.

Then it hit me.

All four of my wheels were flat.

Those bitches!

I knew I should have just driven home from the start. And now my wheels were flat, it was getting cold, and I had to call a tow truck.


I glared over at the line, but no one seemed to be paying me any attention.

I didn’t even know if they were still here, though I thought so.

I knew now why Angelica wanted to come here in the first place.

Kai’s dad owned the place.

She was hoping to run into Kai.

Fucking pathetic.

I looked back at my car, feeling my lips trembling a bit.

This was just great.