I watch in utter astonishment as he sits on the edge of the tub, picks up my loofah, dips it in the water, then grabs my body wash and proceeds to squirt a generous amount onto the loofah. He rubs it together and the suds are instant. His hand dips into the water and gently wraps around my ankle, bringing my leg out of the water.
I have to remind myself to breathe as he starts to wash me.
The king of fucking sin.
He’s not only here, in my pathetic excuse of an apartment, but he’s in my bathroom,bathingme. I want to pinch myself to see if I’m dreaming, but I don’t dare move and ruin this. Whateverthisis. So, I keep watching him as he slides the loofah over my calf, over my knee, and up my thigh. My heart speeds up a few notches as he gets closer and closer to my center, but he’s being the perfect gentleman and continues on to my arms.
He hesitates as his eyes travel over the bruises forming on my wrists, bruises caused by his hands holding me captive in their strong grip. He flips my arm over and places the barest caress of a kiss onto the underside of my wrist. I swear I’m going to faint from this version of him. I think this is the sexiest I’ve ever seen him. And the scariest. Because now I know he’s capable of showing emotion other than anger, control, and desire. He’s showing me that he cares. In his way, he does actually care about me.
He's refusing to meet my eyes, his eyes stay stubbornly locked on my body, trailing the line of the loofah, as it slides across every inch of my skin. His jaw in clenches tightly, but his regular scowl is gone. He looks as relaxed as I’ve ever seen him, besides when he was asleep. And fuck, he’s so damn beautiful it actually hurts to look at him. My chest constricts and I mentally kick myself.No, Dee. Do not get feelings for this man. Don't fucking do it.He leans over me to wash my other arm, I look down at where his hand and loofah are touching me, and that’s when I finally see them.
His arms are practically covered in scars. They’re all long, thin, and vary in length, and the shade of white against his tan skin, tells me they’ve been healed for a very long time. A huge ball of sorrow soars up from my chest and threatens to clog up my throat. I can feel my eyes watering and I blink rapidly, holding them back. I know he doesn’t want or need my sympathy. Hell, he probably hates the thought of anyone pitying him. I know I do. I’m not sure he’s ever been this vulnerable with anyone before and I’m not going to ruin this moment. I’m not going to ignore this small amount of trust he’s giving me. So, I get a hold of my damn self, and I ignore the questions I’m dying to ask.
Who did this to you?
He moves the loofah over my breasts, pulling my attention back to what he’s doing. His free hand follows the loofah and slides gently over my slick breasts, causing my nipples to peek under his touch. He takes that as an invitation to take one between his fingers and pinch.
I gasp at the quick shot of pain and the lightning strike of pleasure that shoots straight to my core. “Sinn,” I breathe out, and then his eyes are finally on mine. And what I see in them, is something I’ve never seen before.
I’ve wanted to kiss him from the moment I laid my eyes on him and his gorgeous lips but never more than I want to in this moment. Then his words echo in my mind.
You don’t have to understand my rules, just follow them.
So, I keep my hands to myself, remain laying in the tub, and keep my eyes locked on his. I don’t want to miss one second of what I see in them right now.
The loofah slides down my stomach and then I feel the rough material against the sensitive skin between my legs as he continues to wash me there as well. I’ve had plenty of people touch me, hell, I’ve had plenty of faces between my legs, but I’ve never had anyone wash me before. It’s oddly intimate, especially when the eye contact is this intense, and I’m not quite sure how I’m not a blushing, embarrassed mess. But he doesn’t make me uncomfortable. Not in that way.
I gasp again as the rough material of the loofah is replaced by his strong fingers. He slides his middle finger down the center of me, parting me, then he expertly slips two fingers inside, eliciting the loudest moan from my lips as I angle my hips higher.
The tenderness is gone from his eyes as they darken and heat with desire. “Are you always this eager for sex, Wendee, or is it
just for me?”
“Just you,” I admit, as I hold his eye contact, trying not to pant as his fingers slip in and out of me in a slow, steady rhythm.
“Don’t lie to me,” he growls, as he removes his fingers from inside of me and begins to rub my swollen clit.
I shake my head, fighting hard against the urge to close my eyes and tilt my head back. “I’ve never lied to you, Sinn. I haven’t had sex in over a year. Haven’t even wanted to…until I saw you.”
A muscle in his jaw twitches and his nostrils flare, his eyes still stay locked on mine, and fuck, what I would give to know what he’s thinking right now. I grip the sides of the bathtub and start rocking my hips against his hand, the sound of the water sloshing around us and my heavy breathing seems to echo off of the walls. I don’t know if it’s the intensity of the situation or the pleasure quickly building between my legs that makes me continue talking like an idiot, word vomit spilling out of my mouth that has no place in this situation. In what we are.
“You’re so fucking gorgeous, it’s not fair. I’ve never wanted to touch anyone as badly as I want to touch you, and I haven’t even gotten to see your body, also, not fair.” I’m starting to pant as the orgasm builds inside of me with the help of his fingers moving deftly between my legs. “But the way…you make me…feel…Fuck, Sinn, don’t stop.”
“I make you feel alive,” he repeats my words back to me.
“You make me…feel…everything. Fucking everythi…,” my last word is cut off as I finally throw my head back and cry out in pleasure.
Sinn’s hand is wrapped around my jaw in an instant, pulling my head back down. “Eyes on ME, Wendee. I get to watch you come undone.”