The passenger door swung open and a man in dark blue jeans and a tight gray shirt got out, his phone grasped tightly in his hand. His strong jawline was covered in stubble and his short black hair was faded expertly on the sides.

Holy fucking hell, I couldn’t breathe. My heart lodged in my throat and my vision went blurry for a second before zeroing in on none other than Alvaro Estrada of N’Pact, the most popular boyband in the world. Not only could the four-man band sing, but they could move like they were pulled right off the Magic Alpha stage. It was unfortunate they didn’t strip down to their underwear like the Magic Alpha dancers did.

N’Pact were all alphas, and this made them not only highly appealing to omegas, but betas as well. Even though betas couldn’t bond with alphas, that didn’t stop them from imagining they could.

A weird, possessive growl bubbled in my throat. I didn’t like the idea of betas throwing themselves at alphas. It was hard enough finding a good pack to be a part of without beta women and men encroaching on what was ours.

Breathe, Kara.

Alvaro was on the phone, his other hand pulling at his hair. His frown was intense and the lift in his shoulders made him look like he was ready to explode. The SUV had already pulled forward, leaving Alvaro to pace up and down the driveway.

My heart fluttered as he ran the hand that had been yanking at his hair down his face before pinching the bridge of his nose. He looked so tense and upset that I wanted to offer to massage his shoulders.

Bad idea.

I didn’t know why I was so surprised to see one of the band members in the flesh; Kayla had told me they lived down the street. They had even helped her out before, but I never imagined I’d spot one.

My hands shook as I fumbled around in my purse for my phone so I could take a picture of him. Maybe I could get one with him? No. That was a bad idea. He was in an intense conversation and was an alpha. They all were. Even if they were famous, I couldn’t risk being around unbonded alphas. If something went awry, I’d be in even deeper shit with OPS and so would they.

I was acting like a knottybopper, but I didn’t care. This was a once-in-a-lifetime encounter.

My fingers brushed across the edge of my phone in the pit of my purse, and I pulled it out, throwing the bag back into the passenger seat. I looked back up just as Alvaro kicked at a bush before he walked quickly up the driveway and disappeared.

It was for the best. If he caught me snapping a picture of him, he might come kick the car, or worse, call the police.With a sigh, I grabbed my purse and begrudgingly got out. I sniffed the air, hoping to catch his scent, but all I could smell was the cheap gas station perfume I’d spritzed all over myself.

I grabbed my suitcase and overnight bag from the trunk, locked up, and trekked up the hill. Despite only being five houses away, the properties were wide, so it was quite the walk after lying on the couch binge-watching television shows for the past month.

I was heaving by the time I finally made it to my sister’s gate, and I pressed the call button on the intercom. It rang once before a man picked up. “Kayla? What the heck are you doing outside the property? I knew we should have brought you with us.” Of course Beck had to be the one to answer.He was fiercely protective of my sister and would rip anyone to shreds for even looking at her the wrong way.

“Hi, Beck! I’m here to see Kayla.” I smiled up at the camera and took off the baseball hat I was wearing. “It’s a surprise.” I was met with silence. “Hello?”

“Do you have permission to be here?” What he really meant was did OPS let me come to a major city with no escort.

“Are you going to let me in or not? I think there’s a pack of alphas hunting for omegas headed this way.”

“You’re just like your sister.” He growled something under his breath. “I’ll unlock the front door for you. If Kayla isn’t inside, she’s out by the pool.”

The gate opened, and I entered, sagging with relief as it closed behind me.

I’d made it. Consequences be damned.



There was no organization I hated more than the World Pack Health Organization. Well, except for Omega Protective Services, but that hatred was buried so deep I’d need an excavator to unbury it.

Because of OPS, our pack health had to be evaluated every year to ensure we weren’t showing any signs of becoming feral alphas. It was a fucking joke, and for the past three years, we’d dutifully done as we were asked. It was an invasion of our privacy, and now they wanted to do it every six months because we were high risk. The only thing that was at risk was their asses from me shoving my foot up them.

The gate closed behind me, and I walked to the SUV where Cal, Avery, and Tate were already grabbing our bags out of the back. We’d been in New York for the past three days doing TV appearances, and I could see the exhaustion in the slump of their shoulders and the dark circles under their eyes.

And now I was going to have to tell them we had to deal with visitors tomorrow.

Jonathan, our beta, locked the doors as the trunk clicked shut. “You guys need anything else?”

“We’re good. Go see your girl.” I clapped him on the back, and he headed for the side fence where there was a walk-through gate to the house next door. No one knew we owned both properties, but it was necessary for us to function as a pack. We hated sharing our space, even with our betas. Jonathan and his wife, Anya, had been instrumental in making sure we didn’t fall apart since we didn’t have an omega.

My chest hurt even thinking about what could have been. We’d fucked up, and now, despite all the fame and fortune, we were miserable.