Sebastian stares at me, and then barks a laugh of disbelief. “This is because ofhim?”
“He was ten times the man you’ll ever be!” I cry, infuriated by his surprise. “But you ruined him, made him think he couldn’t keep living. I swore I’d bring him justice, and now I have. You’ll finally face the consequences for the choices you’ve made.” I vow, wanting to see Sebastian break too. To beg for mercy or show his fear at what’s to come.
But Sebastian just gives a scornful laugh. The look of betrayal is gone, now there’s just the icy cruel expression I know too well. “Choices? That’s rich. Tell me, Little Sparrow, why is it that you’re so quick to blame me for what happened, but not hold Miles accountable for his choices?” He prowls closer, pointing. “It was his choice to join my game, and gamble more than he could afford. His choice to stay at the table, for hand after hand, even when his pot was empty.”
I shake my head, tears in my eyes. “No,” I protest, not wanting to hear this, but Sebastian doesn’t stop.
“It was your beloved Miles’ choice to steal from Nero to cover his losses. To keep his failures secret. And, yes, it was all his own choiceto take the coward’s way out and kill himself instead of facing the consequences of his poor decisions.”
Grief and rage erupt inside me. “You bastard!” I sob, swinging out my hand to hit him, but he catches my wrist and holds it in place. “You’re a liar! Miles was a good man before he met you! It’s all your fault.”
“And you’re foolish and naïve.” Sebastian releases me, looking down with contempt in his eyes. “That picture you’ve conjured of Miles is a lie. The perfect man you’ve been carrying this torch for never really existed. And do you want to know what the most pathetic thing is?” he adds, lips curling in a cruel smirk. “The man you’ve been fighting so long to avenge never loved you at all. If he had, he’d have told you so, even once. Fought to be with you. But he didn’t, did he?”
Sebastian taunts me with the aching truth, and the answer must be written all over my stricken face, because he laughs. “I thought so. Miles never reciprocated your hopeless little crush. He never cared at all. Because if he had, I can tell you, he wouldn’t have left you like this: broken, desperate, and all alone in the world.”
His words cut me to the core.
Oh God.I break down, sobbing wildly, wracked with grief. It feels like my heart is breaking all over again, but this time, it’s for the terrible truth in Sebastian’s words.
He never loved you…
Suddenly, there’s a commotion, and men in uniform swarm around. “Sebastian Wolfe?” the lead guy snaps, grabbing him roughly. It’s Interpol, and they’re right on time. I watch numbly as they read him his rights, and then take him away in handcuffs; I tipped them off ahead of time. Another piece of my plan.
The crowd watches him go, hushed in shock—and delight. I can see the gossip spreading, through all the important guests, as they revel in Sebastian’s very public downfall. This will be front-page news for days.
But not everyone is celebrating.
“Seb?” there’s a plaintive wail as he’s led out. It’s Bianca, looking devastated; Violetta barely holding her back. “Seb, tell me it’s a lie. You didn’t do this. You didn’t kill my father!”
Sebastian keeps his head down; he doesn’t say a word. And as they exit the garden, Bianca lets out a wretched sob of betrayal, practically sinking to the ground.
I should feel guilty. I should feel triumph. I should feel anything at all, seeing my plan work so perfectly.
But I can’t feel anything at all.
The party breaksup pretty soon after that. I guess there’s nothing like the groom-to-be getting arrested to put a dampener on the party vibe.
I find myself wandering through the party wreckage, drinking straight from an open bottle of champagne. The staff have pretty much all scattered, and the guests are long gone. I’m the only one left to sample the exquisite chocolates, and the handmade cake with our names written in perfect script.
I try a bite, then push it aside. I can’t stomach the rich flavor—or anything right now. So much for a celebration. I thought I’d be happy, finally getting my revenge.
Instead, I’m empty inside. Trying to ignore the whispers of doubt in the back of my mind.
He deserved this, I repeat to myself, heading back inside.You did the right thing.
The only thing.
I find my phone, and call Nero.
“It’s done,” I say as soon as he answers the phone. “Sebastian Wolfe is ruined.”
“I saw,” Nero replies. “It’s headline news around the world. A powerful man like Sebastian, confessing to causing two deaths. Cable news is eating it up. Congratulations. You must be thrilled.”
I must be.