I guess I’m trying to find something that will convince me Terry’s wrong.
I don’t want to believe this.
The only way I’ll know for sure is if I ask Sebastian.
When I arrive back at the house, I hear music coming from the kitchen. It’s classic rock, and I follow the sound to find Sebastian there, cooking dinner. I blink in surprise. He’s chopping vegetables, looking relaxed with his sleeves rolled up and collar open.
When he see me, he smiles. “I was just about to call you. Dinner will be ready soon.”
“Dinner?” I glance around to see if the staff is here, but Sebastian turns to the stove and shakes a sauté pan. “You’recooking?” I check again.
He chuckles. “No need to sound so surprised. I am a capable man.”
“I know,” I answer automatically, conflict still churning in my chest. I take a seat on the barstool at the kitchen island and watch him move effortlessly around the kitchen. “You’re in a good mood,” I note quietly.
He smiles. “It was a good day at work. At least, there were no problems. In my business, any day without a catastrophe is a successful one.”
I pause. “That sounds exhausting.”
“It is, but I like it.” He shrugs. “I’ve always been the type to thrive when I’m challenged.” Sebastian adds the vegetables to the pan. “Now, how about some wine? I have a dry red in the wine cellar that you’ll love.”
I manage a smile. “That sounds great.”
He leaves the room, and I pause, torn. But I don’t have much time. If I’m going to do this…
Don’t be weak now, Avery.
I quickly pull out my phone and set it to record. Then I position it under a magazine in the middle of the counter. Anything Sebastian says will be perfectly captured.
My heart is pounding when Sebastian returns with the wine. “Do I want to know how old this is?” I quip nervously, as he opens it and pours.
“Older than the both of us,” he replies with a smile. “Cheers.”
“Cheers,” I echo, clinking my glass to his and taking a tiny sip.
He turns back to the food, and I wonder how I’m going to ask him about the accident.
“So, what did you do today?” he asks, glancing over at me. “Did you decide anything more about college? I told you, I have a lot of contacts, so if there’s a program you’d like, just say the word. I can have everything arranged.”
I nod slowly. “Actually… I wasn’t looking into that today. I was talking to a man named Terry Hardcastle.”
Sebastian’s back is turned to me, but I see him freeze at the mention of the name. He stops moving for a long moment, and I start to wonder if he’s even going to respond. Then, he very deliberately turns to face me.
“What are you playing at?” his voice is low.
I swallow hard. I’m in dangerous territory here. “I’m not playing,” I say, hoping that my voice doesn’t give away how nervous I feel. “This isn’t a game.”
“You think I don’t know that?” Sebastian demands. “Fuck, Avery… What the hell are you doing digging up the past?”
“Because I need to know what happened to you!” I exclaim. “Sebastian, all these secrets… You can’t go on like this. Just tell me the truth!”
“It’s none of your goddamn business.” Sebastian snarls, fists clenching at his sides.
I can see him shutting down: The walls going up, rendering him unreadable and distant. After everything… I know I have to try and get through to him. Before it’s too late.
“Was it you?” I blurt, my voice ringing out in the silence of the kitchen. “Were you driving the car, that night? When your father died?”