Page 48 of Priceless Secret

We head north of the city, along winding roads that take us into the mountains. Sebastian drives like he fucks: Hard and fast, and just like in the bedroom, I’m scared and exhilarated for the entire ride. The engine purrs and wind whips through my hair, and I have to admit, I’m having a blast, speeding through the Italian landscape, with incredible views all around. Soon, the steep hills drop away to reveal glimpses of the lake in the valley, stretching in a vivid blue pool, surrounded by the most incredible estates and villages.

Sebastian takes a sharp turn off the main road, through a wrought iron gate that swings open for us, as if by magic. He winds his way down the steep hillside towards the water along a driveway lined with tall cypress trees.

“Oh my god,” I breathe, as the lake comes fully into view. It’s not like any lake I know from the northeast, with rocky coves and rambling shoreline. This is grand and dramatic, edged with stone walkways and crumbling walls. The only boats I can see are sleek, old-fashioned speedboats jetting across the placid waters, and there are no rustic cabins, just massive Italian chateaus dotted along the shore.

“This is beautiful,” I say, looking around, my eyes bugging out of my head. “And it’s so peaceful, too.” I swear, the only sound is birdsong, and the water lapping the shore.

Sebastian smiles. “It’s why I bought a place here, years ago. Just to get away from it all.”

Get away from it—in total, jaw-dropping luxury.

We pull up outside the chateau, which is a gorgeous confection of faded terracotta stone, set right on the water. Everything looks historic and perfectly aging, a far cry from Sebastian’s usual stark modern style.

“How old is this place?” I ask in amazement, taking in the crumbling statues dotted amongst the grounds.

“Not that old,” he replies with a grin. “Five, maybe six hundred years?”

I laugh. “Practically yesterday.”

“I bought it from a bankrupt Contessa,” he continues, with a mischievous glint in his eye. “She demanded a night with me, in addition to the asking price.”

“What?” I exclaim. “You didn’t?”

Sebastian grins. “No, I didn’t,” he admits. “She was pushing eighty, so I just paid an extra million, instead.”

I’m still laughing when an older couple emerge from the house. “Sebastian!” the woman calls, smiling. “Ti trovo bene.”

“Maria,non bene come te,” Sebastian replies, in fluent Italian. He goes to greet them, with surprising warmth.

I take them in curiously. The woman has gray hair in a long braid, and the man is wizened, with smiling eyes. They greet Sebastian enthusiastically, as if they’re genuinely happy to see him.

Happy to see the big bad Wolfe?

“Avery, this is Stefano and Maria,” he says, turning to me with a smile. “They live in the gatehouse here, I inherited them with the house,” he adds with a wink.

Maria laughs. “He would not cope without us,” she says affectionately.

“Or your cacio e pepe,” Sebastian says. “I’ve been dreaming about it. She’s an incredible cook,” he tells me. “And Stefano keeps the chateau in perfect condition.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” I say, with a little wave. Maria immediately smothers me in a hug, and kisses on both my cheeks.

“And you! Finally, he brings a girl for us to meet.” She adds something in Italian, and the others laugh.

“Don’t worry,” Sebastian tells me. “She’s just glad to have someone else to cook for. She’s always worried that I’ll die alone.”

They laugh again, and I try to wrap my head around it: Sebastian, happy and relaxed. We really are taking a break from reality here.

Sebastian showsme to my room, which is a gorgeous suite overlooking the lake, full of stunning antique furniture and a massive four-poster bed. I freshen up, then take the long route back downstairs, exploring the house. It’s like something from a magazine, but warm and lived-in, too: all the antiques and artifacts only add to its charm, with the Persian rugs, and artwork, and of course, the incredible lake views.

I find Sebastian on the terrace, pouring wine at a table set with a delicious spread of food. “A local favorite,” he says, offering me a glass.

“You, or the wine?” I tease. “Maria and Stefano could lead the Sebastian Wolfe fan-club.”

He smiles. “They’re good people,” he says, almost looking bashful. “They’ve been living here for years, taking care of the place.”

“And you,” I comment, taking in the lunch spread. “This all looks amazing.”

We sit down and fill our plates. There are cold cuts of salami and prosciutto, cheeses, fresh ciabatta, and salad with a delicious dressing. I find myself ravenous, and happily try bites of everything. It’s cool out, but the sun is shining off the water, and I take a deep breath of the clean air, relaxing more with every minute.