Page 70 of Priceless Kiss

I hesitate, but I have some time before I should meet the driver. “Sure.” I decide.

We walk over and order our drinks, although I insist on paying for mine. “So, I take it you’re not from around here?” he asks.

“I know, the accent is a dead giveaway, right?” I make a face.

“It’s cute,” he says.

I pause. “Thanks,” I reply, careful. I give him a sideways glance. Is he flirting with me?

James looks at me and smiles. “Wait, hold still, you have something in your hair.” Before I can react, he reaches out, and plucks a piece of lint from it. “Rolling in a laundry pile, huh?”

“Sure, I do it all the time.”

OK, he’s definitely flirting, which means I need to shut this down.

James clears his throat, looking nervous. “Listen, I don’t know if you have any plans tonight, but…”

Oh, no. I hopes he’s not about to ask me out.

“… There’s this party I’m going to. Just a casual thing,” he adds quickly, “Some other students I know, it should be fun. If you’d like to come?”

I give him a polite smile. “Sorry. I have plans. With my boyfriend,” I add gently.

He coughs. “Wow, screwed that one up, huh?”

“No, I mean, I’m flattered. But, busy.”

“Well, until next time.” James says, raising his coffee in a toast. “I better get back to it. And see who’s missing their lucky pen,” he adds.

I smile. Maybe in another world, I could have stuck around, and gone with him to that party. But I’m not some research student, flirting over coffee.

I’m on a mission, and with today’s breakthrough, I’m closer to my prize than ever before.

When I arriveat the house that evening, I’m surprised to find Sebastian back from the office early. And even more shocking, he’s set up a romantic dinner for the two of us: white linens, candlelight, champagne on ice…

“What’s the occasion?” I ask, greeting him. I kiss his cheek automatically, seeing that his hair is damp from the shower. He’s barefoot, in jeans and a button-down shirt that’s open at his neck, and is that…?

Yes, a smile on his face.

I blink. “Who are you, and what have you done with the surly, demanding Sebastian I’ve seen all week?” I can’t help asking, a teasing note in my voice.

Sebastian chuckles. “I have been rather an ass, haven’t I? I get like that, when it comes to closing a deal. Are you hungry?”

I nod. “Starved. I forgot to eat lunch.”

“Shopping as a competitive sport, hmm?”

Shit. I give a little laugh to cover, as Sebastian hands me a plate. “These should tide you over, until the main event is ready.”

I look down to find… pizza bagels?

I laugh, and Sebastian looks smug. “You asked Leon to order them. A foreign delicacy?”

“I have a sophisticated palate,” I inform him, airy. Then I take a big bite. “Try one,” I offer him the plate.

He chuckles, taking one. “Not bad,” he says, chewing. “But I prefer caviar as an appetizer.”

“Of course you do.”