“Eventually. You’re probably a bit groggy now. Let me help you.” Pulling the privacy curtain, she helped him use the device and righted his gown and sheet.
“Thank you,” he said gratefully.
“We’ll play nurse and naughty patient when we get you home,” Amber teased as she washed her hands.
“Naughty nurse and recovering patient, maybe,” he corrected her with a stern look.
“Eat your sherbet. I’ll see you after my shift is over.”
“Go home. Sleep in our bed.”
“I’m off tomorrow. We’ll sleep together.”
“This is not the place to put ideas into my head,” he growled softly when she leaned close to kiss him.
* * *
“Thankgoodness it’s my left foot so I can drive,” Rio groused.
She knew he was feeling better when he started chafing at the restrictions his injury caused. “Want to go to Murphy’s for dinner tonight?” she suggested casually. “I know everyone would love to see you.”
“There better not be any jolly good hero celebration planned,” he stated firmly.
For days, the front gate of the neighborhood had been inundated with reporters trying to get to Rio’s house to interview him. The guard shack was now filled with cookies and snack mixes Rio had sent them as an apology. In response, Charlie had replied with a photo of him signing Rio’s name and a sign offering to see the hero’s signature for five bucks each. They were definitely blessed that everyone inconvenienced by the mob didn’t complain too loudly.
“No jolly good celebrations. Promise.” Amber crossed her heart.
“In that case, I’d love to devour one of their giant pretzels and a beer.”
“Had any pain killers lately?” she asked.
“No, Nurse Amber. Just over the counter tablets.”
Amber brought him the crutches Rio insisted on using. She insisted on driving, of course, and wouldn’t argue with him drinking one beer if he hadn’t taken the prescription pain killers. As they approached Murphy’s, she could see the parking lot was full. By luck, she found a space close to the door.
“You’re going to be able to pay Dr. Urial’s bill,” she joked, opening the door for him.
Rio got two hops inside the door before everyone yelled, “Surprise!”
“You are so spanked,” he growled at her quietly.
“You have to catch me first,” she answered with a smile before adding, “It’s as much for them as it is for you.”
She watched Rio scan the crowd as people started to swarm forward. “Let’s get Rio a chair,” she suggested as she led him through the crowd to an empty seat.
In clumps and alone, people came up to speak to Rio. She could tell he didn’t like the spotlight but was glad to see everyone. Amber didn’t care when even Jeri hugged him, especially when she hugged Amber first.
“I’m glad to see you’re okay,” Rio told her.
“Thanks, Rio. I’m back at work but someone always carries my tray for me. It was hard to walk in that first night, but Murphy’s welcomed me back,” Jeri assured him.
Soon the rush of people to greet and thank Rio slowed down. He got his big pretzel with beer cheese with a burger on the side that Amber helped him eat. Harper and Colt settled into chairs at their table and Rio looked around, waiting for the mob to come for Colt.
“I’m old news around here now,” Colt said, noting Rio’s scan of the room.
“Good. It’s time for life to go back to normal,” Rio announced.
Amber tried to figure out what was going on with her friends. Colt sat close to Harper, but her girlfriend sent off waves of apprehension. Something was up. Were they together or not?