Page 5 of Coulda

It could never work out between an aristocratic guy from the rich side of town and a scrawny girl who has cardboard in her sneakers to make them last a few more months.

* * *


When her name was called, Harper turned toward the door. She definitely didn’t want to sing in front of this packed crowd. Colt wrapped an arm around her waist and growled into her ear.

“Come on, Angel, I can’t do this without you. Help me celebrate, Harper.”

“There are so many people.”

“Just concentrate on me, Little girl.”

Her gaze locked with his and saw the encouragement and caring in his eyes. “I hate you for making me do this,” she protested.

"Come on. You'll love me when the music starts,” he answered confidently.

Snorting quietly, Harper focused on the worn flooring in the bar as he coaxed her up on the small stage. Held against his powerful frame, she refused to look at the faces that stared at them. He was pure hotness and toned muscle. She knew she looked ridiculous next to him. Harper knew she outweighed him by thirty pounds, at least.

The lyrics flashed on the screen, and she forced herself to take a deep breath. His “you’ve got this” reassured her almost as much as the familiar music. She loved this song and hated it at the same time. Launching herself into the riveting female solo at the beginning, Harper heard the quick intake of breath from those crowded closest to her.

This was one thing she did well. Sing. She’d always loved to sing—but in the shower, in the woods, or alone with her friends at a campfire. Performing in front of other people scared her badly. Harper relied on Colt’s strength as he held her steady at his side.

She relaxed a slight amount as his rich tenor voice joined hers. The crowd spontaneously clapped in appreciation. Harper glanced up at Colt and found him in the zone, making eye contact with their audience and soaking in their enjoyment. He was a complete entertainer—a combination of devastating appearance, incredible voice, charm, and the undefinable star quality. He made her tingle inside, and she’d even seen him taste the wintergreen paste back in elementary school.

That thought made her laugh inside and more of the tension ebbed from her body. Feeling it, Colt rewarded her with a squeeze of his arm as he sang just for her. Harper hadn’t asked him about his plans after high school yet. She knew he wasn’t ready to decide to accept an athletic scholarship at their state university. Colt seemed to wrestle with some other option he hadn’t shared with her yet.

He will when he’s ready.

Harper would make it through high school with the help of her friends and specially chosen classes. She toyed with taking a few business classes at the local community college next year. Her joy in life was children. Not school-age kids but little ones who smelled like baby powder, or the grass they trampled on unsteadily in the yard.

While she babysat all the neighborhood kids, Harper dreamed of opening her own childcare center—something small at first but expanding as she could. Kids were her life. She loved them whether they giggled at her lame jokes or screamed with a skinned knee. Harper knew she could make a difference for them, and she was determined to be the best second mommy to everyone she cared for.

The song ended with a reprise of her solo that had launched the song. Harper channeled all her dreams and hopes for the future into the lyrics, allowing her voice to swell into the notes. When the final sound faded out, there was absolute quiet for two seconds before thunderous applause filled the bar.

“Damn, Angel. Together, we’re unbeatable.” Colt’s rough voice slid over her, drawing her gaze to his handsome face.

“You’re the star, Colt. I just make you sound better.”

Harper watched his expression harden and knew he didn’t care for her words. The crowd interrupted them with demands for an encore and she quickly keyed in a tune that required two male voices. Waving Beau up to take her place, she fled from the stage to rejoin Maisie and Amber. Ignoring the feel of Colt’s gaze on her, she chatted with her friends as the masculine tones blended together. Beau’s voice was good. Colt’s voice was incomparable.

* * *


Rio wiped the sticky countertop and avoided the feminine hands that reached out to touch him. He knew women found him attractive, but he wanted something special from a relationship. Catching Amber’s knowing look, he shook his head at her. She’d amused him as a perky kid when he’d started at the bar in his late teens. As Amber had grown up, that enjoyment of interacting with a fun-loving kid had morphed into watching her become an amazing adult.

Now at thirty-one, he kept his distance from her. Because he’d been in her life so long, she naturally flirted with him as she tried out her feminine wiles. Maintaining their buddy relationship, Rio hadn’t had trouble remembering that she was a kid.Until recently.

As her eighteenth birthday approached, Rio wanted her to enjoy her final high school year as he never could—to be a kid for as long as possible. Leaning on the bar, Rio relaxed his guard and allowed himself to watch the pleasure on Amber’s face as she listened to Colt and Harper’s incredible duet.

“She’s off limits, Rio,” Jack Murphy growled in his ear before continuing, “Don’t touch Sparky. She’s going to college to become a nurse and live an incredible life out there.” His boss nodded at the front door. “I don’t care if she is eighteen next month. Stay away from her or you’ll be out on your ear.”

“Got it, boss. Amber and I are buddies. Nothing more,” Rio assured him with an easy smile he’d practiced for years.

“You’re smart for a guy who walked in here with the ink still wet on his bartending license. I wrestled with hiring an eighteen-year-old, but the ladies love you. I still don’t see how you can pinpoint accounting issues by simply glancing at invoices. You’re a boon to Murphy’s, but…”

“I won’t forget—Amber’s off limits,” Rio finished the statement for him.