“Would you like to spend the day with me tomorrow?” Rio asked, startling her from her thoughts.
“Yes,” she answered, mirroring his answer and making him laugh. Her gaze devoured his appearance as he enjoyed their interaction.
Rio’s head tilted back, and his hand pressed to his chest as mirth welled from inside him. She loved the crinkle of the laugh wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. He’d always enjoyed life and made anything fun. Amber had missed that in her life.
“I’m glad you came back, Rio.”
“I’m glad we’re both here.”
Abandoning the drink order, Rio rounded the bar and held out a hand to tug her from the stool. “It’s late. You’ve had a long drive. Are you okay to drive?”
“Someone kept the alcohol light in my drinks tonight.”
“I’ll pick you up at nine for breakfast. Give me your phone,” he requested.
Fumbling through her purse, she located the device and unlocked the screen for him. Rio added himself to her contacts and then called his phone. She liked that he took care of everything. Rio made things easy.
“Let me walk you out to your car,” he suggested as he wrapped a powerful arm around her waist.
Automatically, Amber sucked in her tummy.
“Be yourself, Ella. I don’t want you to be anything else,” he urged as he ushered her out the door.
When they reached her car, Rio crowded her against the flashy purple sports car. “Got your fancy wheels, huh?”
Amber forgot to answer as he lowered his lips to taste hers. Pressing slow, deep kisses to her lips, Rio didn’t rush her. She curled her fingers into the hard flesh of his waistline, savoring the feel of his weight pinning her to the paint.
“Go home, Little girl. I’ll be there at nine. Wear these jeans—different shoes. We’ll take my bike,” Rio told her as he stepped back to open her door.
Driving from the parking lot, Amber watched him disappear from her view.Damn.She missed him already.
Waking up the next morning in the quiet house was a bit surreal. Her old room was now her mother’s library, so she was in the guest room on the far side of the house. It felt a bit like she was an interloper—especially since her parents weren’t home.
Amber grabbed her phone to check the time and relaxed against the pillows. She had an hour before Rio would get there. Reflecting back on her feelings when she’d seen him, Amber knew her heart had never lurched inside her chest at the sight of anyone like it had last night.
She’d loved her time traveling to different cities and hospitals, but Rio had always hovered in the back of her mind. Amber could only laugh at the number of times she had turned around, sure that the man she’d seen out of the corner of her eye was Rio. It never had been except for last night.
Forcing herself out of bed, she showered quickly and pulled on jeans and a T-shirt. She had packed light as she always did. Hopefully, being casual would be okay with Rio. She’d only brought one cocktail dress for the fancy reunion dinner that night.
Amber shook her head at herself.It’s breakfast! Rio won’t expect me to be wearing pearls and high heels. He already warned me about the stilettos.
Laughing, Amber paid special attention to putting on her makeup. She wanted to look good for Rio. Smoothing out a few lines and wrinkles, Amber didn’t usually take time to study the changes that had come with time. She definitely wasn’t the same cheerleader she’d been in high school.
When she was ready, Amber let herself out the front door and sat on the steps. Rio had dropped off keys to her dad back in high school, so she expected he’d remember where her parents’ house was located.
A rumble of motorcycle pipes caught her attention. Looking up, she spotted Rio as he turned the corner into the cul-de-sac—and stopped breathing.Holy Fuck!She felt her panties get wet as arousal flooded her body. As a nurse, she’d seen a lot of serious motorcycle accident injuries. Watching Rio approach, she could understand why women were drawn to the risk-takers.
Rio on a bike was like rich chocolate coating an ice cream bar. He was drool worthy. Sitting casually on the seat, it was obvious Rio had driven a motorcycle a few thousand times before. His powerful thighs straddled the machine, and his muscular arms held it under control. Quickly, she lifted her phone and took a picture.
It was dangling in her hand when his helmet turned to look toward her location. One hand lifted from the handlebars to wave.
Amber stood as he turned into the driveway. Walking slowly to the mechanical beast, she waited for him to take his helmet off. Rio cradled it under one arm and brushed his hair back with his free hand.
“I hoped you’d be brave and come for a ride with me. We can take your car if you’d rather,” he suggested.
“I’ve never ridden on a bike. As I remember, you’d never take me for a ride when I was a kid. Are you a safe driver?” she questioned, trying to convince herself she wasn’t getting on behind him regardless of how he answered.