Page 15 of Coulda

“What is going on?” Amber asked Harper.

“You’ve missed a few things. Come on. You can protect me as we pick up our nametags from Miranda. She can’t resist pointing out how wonderful her life is compared to mine,” Harper sighed as she guided Amber forward to the woman behind the desk, who watched them closely.

“Hi, Miranda. I hope Cinderella is feeling better,” Harper commented.

“She gets so many germs at daycare. Can’t you clean more to kill all the stuff the kids pass around?” Miranda complained.

“There are not enough disinfectant wipes in the world to combat the number of germs one toddler can discover,” Harper joked.

“You really should take this more seriously. The city could send in inspectors,” Miranda said with one arched eyebrow.

“They visit regularly. Perhaps you would prefer another daycare option. I'll miss Cinderella but completely understand.” Harper stood her ground.

“If you weren’t the cheapest place in town, I’d move her,” Miranda snapped.

“Wow,” Amber interjected, staring the unpleasant woman down. She didn’t want to make a scene, but she wouldn’t allow Miranda to treat Harper like this.

"It’s okay, Amber. Let’s just get our nametags,” Harper urged, and ran a finger over the display to find hers.

Amber leaned forward to pick hers and whispered to Miranda as she pointed to two places on her hairline, “Your facelift tape is coming undone here and here.”

“Well, I never,” Miranda sputtered as she raised her hands to run her fingers over the spots Amber had indicated.

Amber just smiled and pulled the back off her sticker. “Just trying to help,” she told the unpleasant woman as she walked away without looking back.

Instantly, the cheerleaders swarmed Amber to give her hugs and get caught up. Amber was pleased to see them include Harper in their conversation.Thank goodness some people grow up!

“We love the changes Rio has made to the bar. He’s keeping the traditional feel but updating it,” Suzanne commented.

“It is lovely,” Amber started before processing Suzanne’s words. Was he the new manager?

“Someone asked him at the bar if he’d change the name now that your parents retired and sold the business,” another classmate shared.

“And what did he say?” Amber asked, turning around to search for Rio behind the bar. He’d deliberately let her think he was just working behind the bar.

Rio’s gaze met hers. The sternness in his demeanor made her stand taller. Slowly, he shook his head. Amber returned his warning with a small, dismissive gesture. He wasn’t in charge of her. Instantly, she knew that had been the wrong thing to do.

“Your strawberry daiquiri,” a waitress at her elbow commented.

Amber broke her connected gaze with Rio to look at the frosty glass and then back at the young, smiling woman. “Thank you,” she answered on autopilot.

“Harper, Rio sent you your favorite—a vanilla rum and diet Coke,” she announced, handing over the other glass.

“Thank him for me, Monica,” Harper said sweetly.

“That daiquiri looks so good. I’m off to sweet talk Rio into making one for me,” one of her cheer squad members said as she walked away. The others streamed after her.

After taking a sip of her strawberry concoction, Amber slapped her hand over her mouth as laughter burst from her lips. He’d sent her a drink with no alcohol, just as he’d always done when she was a kid. Merriment glittered in her eyes as she met Rio’s glance once again.

“Look, there’s Maisie and Beau. He picked her up at the airport,” Harper said as she pointed toward the door. A second later, she was on the move, followed closely by Amber.

“Maisie! Beau! You both look so good. Love the silver fox look, Beau. And Maisie, you could have stepped right off the cover ofVogue,” Amber shared before pulling the slight figure in for a hug.

“Thank goodness I have a wardrobe person who picks out clothes for me. Otherwise, I’d wear a lab coat with jeans,” Maisie said with a laugh.

“Now you, Harper, look like a million bucks. How can you have kids drooling over you all day long and still have that sweet look on your face?” Maisie wondered as she embraced Harper.

“Oh, you’re just being nice. I’m so glad to see you both,” Harper cheered, and gave Beau a bear hug before pulling back awkwardly. “Sorry. Is it bad to touch you?”