“I love you, too,” she answered. Suddenly overwhelmed by the relief of having the trial completed and knowing that she would get to stay with this incredible man, Cynthia felt tears gathering in her eyes.

“Daddy,” she corrected herself mentally.

“It’s over, Little girl. You’re safe here with me.”

“I know,” she whispered. “Make love to me. Convince me this is all real and I won’t wake up to find it was all a dream.”

His hands quickly discarded her remaining clothing, and he pulled her close to his body. Whirling, he rotated to balance her on top of him. Her weight pressed against his thick shaft, bringing a groan from their lips. Dirk sat up, carrying her with him until she balanced on his hard thighs, pressed intimately to him.

His lips captured hers in a kiss that began tenderly and grew in passion. Cupping her jaw, he held her in place as he explored her mouth. Cynthia squirmed against him, needing more. When he didn’t seem to get her silent message, she thrust her fingers through his thick hair and tugged his head away.

“Now, Daddy. Now!”

“I knew you’d deserve that spank and maybe a few more,” he growled at her as he thrust one hand between their bodies to stroke through her wetness. “You are so wet, Little girl.”

“I need you,” she whispered.

Immediately, he lifted Cynthia onto her knees. The need for condoms had evaporated after a few cycles on birth control. Dirk pressed the broad head of his erection at her entrance. His hands encircled her waist, and he slowed down her descent over him.When she pushed at the restraining grip, he lifted one hand to smack her bottom sharply.

“Ah!” she cried and automatically clenched her bottom. The simultaneous squeeze of her channel around his shaft drew a groan from their throats.

“Be good. You don’t want a spanking,” he threatened as he slid fully into her at a more leisurely pace.

Her quick, enthusiastic nods conflicted with his statement. With a laugh, he swatted her again. “Move, sweetheart. You get to ride Daddy this time.”

She soon wiped his mirth away as Cynthia bounced experimentally on top of him. Shivers of delight encouraged her to try it again. His hands rose to cup her breasts, teasing the sensitive mounds with the tips of his fingers before torturing her nipples with a pinch.

Dirk grazed the sensitive skin of her side, trailing the fingers of one hand down her torso. He stroked over her now bare mound. The sensitive skin responded immediately to his touch. Cynthia squirmed above him at the intimate sensation, pushing her arousal even higher.

He brushed one fingertip through her slick juices and raised it to his mouth. She moaned at the erotic sight of him licking her taste from his finger. The resulting gush from her body coated her upper thighs and encouraged her to speed up her motion as their bodies moved against each other.

“It could never be this good with anyone else,” she thought to herself, only realizing she had spoken aloud when his hands tightened around her waist. Looking down into his ice-blue eyes, she watched them darken.

“You are mine, Cindy girl,” he claimed her.

She knew that his commitment to her exceeded his possessiveness. Smoothing her hands over his shoulders to reassure him, she said, “And you are mine, Daddy.”

“Play, Little girl,” he ordered, and Cynthia felt her face heat with embarrassment.

She knew he wanted her to find her pleasure. Shifting herself, Cynthia moved on and against him. Heat grew between them, and she reveled in the scent of their lovemaking. The world seemed to shrink to a small bubble around them as they concentrated only on each other.

Soon her cry of delight was echoed by his deeper shout of completion. Collapsing against his hard chest, Cynthia clung to Dirk as he squeezed her close. When their heart rates settled, Dirk stroked over her back. She listed her head to look down at him and winked.

“Maybe I like spankings now.”

“You say that now. Work too many hours and you’ll change your mind,” he told her with a twinkle in his eyes that softened his words.

“Hmm,” she hedged, and made a suggestion to distract him. “Weren’t we going on a picnic?”

“I could eat a few sandwiches now. Let’s get this picnic on the road.”


Cynthia leaned forward in the car to peer out the windshield as Dirk turned onto a gravel road that seemed to be close to the Edgewater campus. Parked cars scattered along their path. “Where are we going? Are there other people here?”

Dirk remained silent and pulled over to the side to join the other vehicles. “Let’s go to the picnic, sweetheart.”

She clung to his hand as they walked over a slight hill into a beautiful meadow. Her gaze flew from couple to couple as they relaxed in the clearing. Blankets and baskets lay scattered over the grass.