“Objection! Relevancy. Eddie Grant isn’t on trial here today,” the prosecutor pointed out.
“I think the court will find that this information validates Ms. Grant’s fear of her brother-in-law and her decision not to cross him,” Dirk pointed out.
“I’ll allow the report but warn the jury that an accusation is not proof of a crime. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty,” Judge Blanco lectured as Dirk handed over that paper. The judge admitted it into evidence after asking if the prosecution had received that record as well and Ms. Appleton acknowledged its existence.
“How did you feel when you received the first message containing the instructions and the photo from your brother-in-law?” Dirk asked Cynthia softly.
“I was petrified and sad. I loved my in-laws. Working in their restaurant changed my life. I learned cooking skills that allowed me to earn a living while being proud that I can make delicious, nutritious food for others. Looking back, I know I married their son just to have them as my family. To have anyone think I caused their death was heartbreaking, even though I knew I didn’t do it. I couldn’t have done it.”
Cynthia blinked back the tears that filled her eyes. She still missed them.
“I didn’t think anyone would believe me. My brother-in-law had already prosecuted my ex-husband and sent him to jail. I knew he was the sole recipient of my in-laws’ estate, which was sizable. They ran the restaurant because they loved feeding people good food. They could have retired at any time.”
“So, you feared your brother-in-law’s threats and followed his directions?” Dirk asked.
“Objection, leading the witness,” the prosecution asserted.
“Sustained. Mr. O’Roark, you are not testifying today.”
“My apologies, Your Honor.”
He looked back at Cynthia and asked, “What did you decide to do?”
“The only thing I thought I could do. I betrayed all my friends at Edgewater Industries and did what Eddie forced me to do. When all sorts of things happened, I knew Eddie had lied to me about the attack. I should have talked to Mr. Edgewater himself, but he was entrenched with the team trying to stop the damage. So… So, I ran.”
“Where did you go?” Dirk asked gently.
“I didn’t have anywhere to run. I just fled the campus and hid nearby.”
“What did you take with you?” Dirk probed.
Cynthia looked at him in shock. He wasn’t going to make her say it, was he? Dirk nodded reassuringly to her.
“I ran to my apartment and grabbed my childhood stuffie, Bullyboo.”
“What else?”
“Nothing,” she whispered.
“I have no more questions, Your Honor,” Dirk told the judge.
The prosecutor’s re-address was vicious. Cynthia didn’t let her confuse her testimony, even though tears coursed down her cheeks. She held her right hand over the picture of her stuffed bull that she’d drawn on her arm for courage last night.
“Can she have a break?” a juror interrupted the barrage of questions and was reprimanded by the judge.
“Ms. Appleton, stop badgering the witness,” the judge ordered the prosecutor.
“Do you need to take a break, Ms. Grant?” Judge Blanco questioned her after restoring order in the courtroom.
“No, Your Honor. I’m okay,” Cynthia answered, meeting Dirk’s concerned gaze. He’d already signaled her several timesasking if she wanted him to interrupt, but she just wanted this done.
That interruption seemed to change the tone of the trial. As if she realized she was losing the jury, the prosecutor stopped her attack for a more leisurely questioning process. This was almost more dangerous in Cynthia’s view. The questions seemed to have double meanings. Carefully, she negotiated through the landmines that appeared beneath her feet and asked repeatedly if Ms. Appleton was asking one question or another.
“Where would you choose to work, Ms. Grant?” the prosecutor asked.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what you mean. If you’re asking whether I would have ever left the restaurant if the gas explosion hadn’t happened, my answer would be no. If you’re asking, where would I like to work now? There is no question. I’d like to return to Edgewater Industries. Mr. Edgewater has created a phenomenally successful business while remembering all the people who work for him are the reason Edgewater Industries is a leader in the field.”
“You made sure the latter wasn’t a possibility, didn’t you?” Ms. Appleton commented snidely. “Cybercriminals aren’t rehired by the company they’ve attacked. They go to jail for a very long time.”