Sarah: Is that important?
Mary Catherine: It means that Father found out where I was without her input.
Sarah: Eww. He’s got a trace on your phone?
Mary Catherine: I think so.
Sarah: Jerk off. That’s so creepy. Especially with all the cameras.
Mary Catherine: I know. God, I hope I never have to see him again.
Mary Catherine: Is that too much to ask?
Sarah: Considering who I’m married to hasn’t dropped dead of a heart attack yet… yes. :/
Mary Catherine: I know I don’t say it often, Sarah, but I love you. You know that?
Sarah: Jesus, do you think you’re going to die or something?
Mary Catherine: I’m not a virgin anymore. If Digger can’t help me… if Father…
Sarah: Yeah.
Sarah: Jesus.
Sarah: Still, this biker. You trust him?
Mary Catherine: I do.
Sarah: Then I do too.
Sarah: You’re more persuasive than you think, girl.
Mary Catherine: Meaning?
Sarah: Meaning that not all wars have to be fought with fists OR bullets.
Mary Catherine: I have to log off. Our flight’s boarding. I’ll let you know everything as and when it happens. xo
Sarah: You’d fucking better.
Sarah: And, hey, I love you too.
Sarah: Now, don’t suck at being my BFF and make sure you come back to me.
Sarah: Ya hear me?
Mary Catherine: I hear you. :P
“You stroke me like that.”
Digger’s brows lifted. “I do not.”
“You do,” I teased, but my tone wasn’t malicious. Mostly, it was amused.