Page 144 of Filthy Sinner

“You have to dance. I’m your wife.” I peeped a huge smile up at him. “You have to make me happy.”

“You sounded plenty happy this morning—”

My hand clapped over his mouth before he could finish that sentence. “James!” I chided.

“Ooh, you brought out the ‘James.’” A twinkle sparked in his eye. “That’s when I really know I’m in the doghouse.” Before I could do more than shriek, he leaned into me and, a moment later, had tossed me over his shoulder. With one hand on my ass, he strolled me away from the riotous music in the disgusting room the Sinners called a bar and took me outside. “You can’t dance to rock. You don’t have it in you.”

Upside down, I huffed and was about to speak, but there were a few catcalls from his brothers which culminated in Sin striding toward us, demanding, “What the hell are you doing?”

“What does it look like I’m doing?”

“Hi, Padraig,” I greeted, twisting up to look at my brother. “I didn’t see you earlier.”

He frowned at me. “I was busy.”

“Sleeping around?” I tutted. “You’re such a manwhore.”

Sin was a hard man to get to know. Digger said he had PTSD, but I just thought he was unhappy. Really, deeply, truly unhappy.

And for some reason, he thought happiness was found between a woman’s legs.

Now, if that were true, I had to reason that women would never have to take antidepressants if we had the mother lode of joy in our cooches.

But heck, what did I know?

I wasn’t a veteran, and as shitty as Mother had been to me, the things Digger had shared about Sin and her… I’d been fortunate. Crazy though, it seemed.

Digger chuckled. “She has you there.”

“What’s going on?”

Sin’s posturing had me grunting. “I don’t particularly enjoy being upside down, Padraig.However, I don’t need my big brother to wade into the fray to get Digger to put me the right way up. In fact, I hope he’s taking me somewhere he’ll dance with me.”

“Digger? Dance?” Sin barked out a laugh. “You have about as much chance of that as the moon being made out of cheese.”

“Digger never had a wife before,” I chirped.

“That’s true. Digger never did,” was Digger’s reply, but he was snickering as he clapped me on the ass. “Come on, idiot. You know I’d never hurt MC. Ain’t you figured that out by now?”

“I’d flash you my brand, but my position won’t allow it.”

“I’ve seen that goddamn thing so many times by now that it’s imprinted on my retinas,” Sin complained. “And don’t show me your engagement ring either. It sparkles. I get it.”

I smirked when Digger crowed, “She’s proud to be mine.”

Pinching his ass, I retorted, “And you’re not happy to be mine too?”

“That goes without saying,” Digger countered, then he nudged Sin in the shoulder. “Look at it. Her brand. All over my arm. So fuck off. She’s mine.”

“I’m her brother,” Sin argued. “I have to watch out for her.”

“She’s got me to do that for her,” Digger said, but his tone was milder. “She’s safe, man. She’s always safe with me.”

“Even if I’m upside down,” I remarked.

Sin huffed. “I’m going to find Kendra.”

My nose crinkled. “Ugh. You need to get better taste. Kendra’s a horrible,horribleperson.”