Page 72 of Seer

“Seer?” Pocus seer calls tentatively.

I stand up so abruptly that my chair topples backward with a loud thudding sound. As if driven by a supernatural force, I storm over to where Edward is standing, flinging my fist in his face. My knuckle connects with his jaw, resulting in a satisfying crack. Edward reels back on his heel, his expression a mixture of shock and pain as he gapes at me with wide eyes. I don’t give him any time to recover before ramming my fist into his gut again. From that point on, I keep hitting him, each punch packed with venom. My anger spirals into a murderous rage that quickly flares out of my control.

By the time Pocus manages to pull me off Edward, he’s become an unmoving head of blood and torn flesh. I glance down at my brother, who could be dead, but I feel nothing.

No guilt. No regrets.

* * *

“Do you feel better?” Abigail asks, quietly searching my face even as she expertly wraps a bandage around my bloody knuckles. Graveyard is away from the clubhouse on personal business, and, as usual, Abigail is the stand-in nurse. She’s worked with Graveyard enough to be able to treat unserious injuries and burns.

“Yeah,” I reply with a casual shrug, pretending not to understand her question. “My hand’s fine now. Thanks.”

Abigail sighs softly, gently squeezing her hand. “Seer… you know that’s not what I’m talking about.”

I jerk my hand out of hers. “I’m not a fucking retard, Abby. And you’re not a bloody shrink, either. Don’t talk to me like I’m in a fucking session.”

“Your anger, Seer,” Abigail says with a soft sigh. “It’s consuming you. You’re gradually losing yourself. It hurts to see you hurt too much.”

“So what am I supposed to do?” I ask with a loud scoff. “Am I just supposed to forget that the bastard hurt me my entire life? Am I supposed to accept that he’s forgotten all the fucked-up things he did to me? He looked into my eyes and told me he hated me, but now he’s smiling at me like we’re best buddies… Am I supposed to accept that and move on?”

“You have the right to your anger, Seer,” Abigail says gently. “But not at the expense of your sanity. Can’t you let it go?”

“Then, I’ll be left with nothing, Don’t you see?” I ask with a frustrated sigh. “He took everything from me.”

Abigail shakes her head in refusal. “That’s not true, Seer. You have the MC, your family. You have Victoria.”

“Victoria?” I scoff loudly. “Seems like I lost her a long time ago.”


Ilook around wildly, my heart pulsing with terror. I can’t seem to find a hiding place… I can hear his footsteps getting closer.

You can’t hide forever, Victoria.

Come on, Victoria. Give it up.

You’re burning yourself out, honey.

The words echo loudly in my head. It doesn’t matter how hard I run, I can’t escape it.


I open my eyes with a soft gasp. I blink slowly at Seer, who’s kneeling by my bedside, his hand holding on tightly to mine. His eyes search my face with a deep frown of concern. I don’t know how long he’s been there, but I’m glad he’s here. It was he who pulled me out of that terrible nightmare. I clutch his hands tighter and take a deep, shaky breath.

“Are you okay, baby?” Seer asks gently, his eyes searching mine. “Were you having a nightmare? Do you need me to get you anything?”

A tear slid from my eyes. “Hold me, Seer,” I whisper in a broken voice. “I’m so scared.”

Seer gets over his surprise well. After a slight pause, he’s moving, and before I know it, he’s in bed with me. He lays behind me and pulls me against his chest. I lay my head on his arm and press myself further into his embrace. I can’t believe I’ve finally found the courage to escape the trap in my head. I feel like bursting into tears and laughter at the same time, but I just settle for reveling in the feeling of Seer’s arms around me again. I feel safe. I feel like I’m back home.

Home. That’s what he means to me.

His arms tighten around me, and he drops his face into my neck. It takes me a while to discern the sniffling sound buried deep in the curve of my neck.

“Are you crying, Nicholas?”

He raises his head and kisses the base of my skull. “It’s just… I’m so happy. This moment… everything about it feels so surreal. I’m worried it’s a dream. I don’t want to wake up.”