Page 29 of Seer

That electrifying moment we shared just seconds ago is gone, but echoes of it linger between us.

“I’m glad it worked.”

An uncomfortable silence settles between us. I’m usually not bothered by silence, but right now, I wish I had the proper skills to keep a conversation alive. I want to keep talking to Seer. I want to see him smile while making silly jokes to make me laugh. Where are these alien emotions coming from? Maybe it’s because he makes a great distraction from my worries.That must be it.

“You know so much about unrequited love,” Seer says, finally breaking the awkward silence. “Dare I say you were talking from experience?”

“Maybe?” I take in a steadying breath as I feel my chest tighten with a familiar sense of sorrow. “I guess I know what it feels like to love and not be loved in return. I’ve lived the cruelty of unrequited love through my mother and the mother before her. We all seem to fight tirelessly to be seen by a society that doesn’t give two cents about us. We keep giving, and it keeps taking from us until there’s nothing left but shadows of what we used to be. Whatever values we have to our name is what’s left from the ancient days when the world hasn’t grown so biased and discriminatory.”

“I think I understand what you mean,” Seer says solemnly. “I used to think soul searchers were a myth until Pocus told me you were one. Soul searching is such a powerful skill. It makes me wonder why there aren’t a thousand or more of you guys in a world where shamans, wizards, shadow whisperers, and many mystical creatures have their places.”

I turn my head slightly to study Seer’s profile, genuinely surprised at his insight. His eyes had hinted at the depths in them, but I never thought he’d be so… wise.

Why’s my heart suddenly beating so fast?

I clear my throat lightly to steady my tripping heart. People fear the magic of soul searching. They are frightened of people poking around their souls and finding out their dirty secrets. You’d be surprised at how much evil is in the human heart. The powerful ones are all corrupt and only want to use soul searchers for their own selfish desires.

I wish my Ma knew that… or maybe she did. She fought for the Cromwell legacy till the end. I chose the same battle, just a different strategy. Now, I don’t know if I’m on the right path anymore.”

“I think you’re doing great, chèrie,” he reassures me with a kind smile. “You came out here to beat yourself up about using a dark spell, didn’t you?”

“How did you know that?” I ask with an ironic smile. “I guess the gift of sight comes with the ability to read minds.”

There’s a long pause. Just as I start to wonder if I’d said something wrong, he replies, “I lost it.”

“Lost what?”

“The sight,” Seer shrugs solemnly. “I think Edward might have found a way to take it away from me.”

“Wow. That sucks.”

To my surprise, Seer laughs. “Damn, that’s the most consoling response I’ve gotten so far, you know? Anyway,” he says, sobering up. “Thank you.”

I frown up at him in confusion. “What for?”

“For saving me. Hex told me how much trouble you went through. But, dark sorcery or not, you led me back to the light.”

Hearing him say that makes me feel even more guilty. “To be honest, I was more concerned about passing the test they gave me and getting a place in the voodoo community.”

“And is that such a crime? You saved my life, whatever the reason. So, thank you, Victoria.”

I’ve never enjoyed being called Victoria, but with Seer, I don’t mind so much. Hearing him call my name gives me a sort of fluttery feeling in my stomach.

“You’re welcome, Nicholas.”

His smile of response seems to find its way right into my heart.Again.

“I can help find your brother if you want.” I rarely care about the problem of others that don’t directly affect me, but here I am.

Again, why am I acting so out of character?

“Really?” Seer asks hopefully. “How?”

“If you can get me something of his, I can search for his soul, and when I find it, maybe we can convince him to help you.”

Seer shakes his head a little. “You don’t have to do that, Tory. I appreciate your offering, but….”

“I want to help,” I respond quietly, looking into his eyes so he can see the sincerity in mine. “Please?”